Love Unbreakable

Chapter 135

Can't Tell The Good Guys From The Bad Guys Lauren's heart fluttered when she heard this.

In her wretched condition, she was dismayed that Mitchel's concerns lay elsewhere, not with her immediate medical care.

The pain in her knee was relentless, and she suspected Raegan might have broken it.

Anger simmered within Lauren, yet her face remained composed.

Tears brimmed in her eyes as she said, "I had just gone to check on Raegan.

But before I could utter a few words, she lunged at me like a madwoman.

It terrified me." "And what did you say to her?" Mitchel inquired, his gaze intense.

Lauren hadn't anticipated Mitchel's persistent questioning.

Being stared at by such a handsome man, no matter how many times, invariably sent her into a slight panic.

With a flicker of her eyelids and a voice choked with sobs, she replied, “All I asked was, 'Raegan, what's the matter? You look so pale.' Then, out of nowhere, she attacked me.” Mitchel, observing Lauren's bruised face, asked sharply, "Are you sure you didn't provoke Raegan in any way?" Lauren shook her head vehemently.

"Not at all.

She kept accusing us of killing her unborn child." Wheeling closer to Mitchel, Lauren clutched at his clothes, her voice laden with fear, "Mitchel, it was terrifying.

You can't imagine.

She hurled a kettle at me and stomped on me.

Look at the injuries on my arms and knees.” She then lifted her clothing to reveal the wounds.

The marks on her face and limbs were undeniably real.

Mitchel's brow furrowed slightly, a reaction that secretly delighted Lauren.

She believed Mitchel felt sympathy for her.

Concealing her glee, she ventured cautiously, "Mitchel, shouldn't we commit Raegan to a psychiatric facility? There's something seriously wrong with her...” "That's not for you to worry about," Mitchel responded impassively, his striking features softening, appearing less stern.

anxious, cut him off, "Mitchel, have they been apprehended? They must be severely punished!" Her tone


and perished," Mitchel stated, his gaze

Lauren declared, “They had it coming! Their end won't be pleasant." She had anticipated

sabotage to their vehicle's brake, ensuring they wouldn't be

only option would be the nearest mountain road, flanked

there meant certain death for

satisfaction washed over

frustration, she

had served a dual

pent-up anger

she assumed Mitchel was bound

for her to act

for rescuing me again.” At the

Raegan lying helplessly in bed, his

reached out, enveloping him in

her face in his

deranged as Raegan..." As

Nicole entered.

I've interrupted at an inopportune

scurried behind Mitchel, questioning, "Why would you barge into someone else's hospital room?" Lauren knew Nicole was Raegan's close

had crossed at a social gathering, though they

worry, I

after I've left,” Nicole responded casually,

her smile radiated

suspected Nicole's presence was linked to Raegan and

with clear disdain, "Miss

A year ago, Lauren might have shown more courtesy toward Nicole, considering the Lawrence family's standing comparable to

reportedly survived on Nicole's

Nicole was beneath her, unworthy even

Nicole's sneer grew sharper.

that?" Lauren fixed Nicole with an angry glare, the


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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