Love Unbreakable

Chapter 238

The flowerpots shattered noisily on the ground.

A sharp pain pierced Nicole's chest and back, overwhelming her.

Poof! Blood spilled from Nicole's mouth, splashing crimson on the ground.

Jarrod, holding Jamie, faced Nicole.

His dark eyes, once lively, now harbored a lethal darkness.

“Nicole, you will pay for it," he declared, his voice icy.

With her ribs feeling broken, Nicole gasped for air amidst the pain.

As she coughed blood, she faced Jarrod, her voice shaking, “Jarrod, I'm not the one who stabbed her...” But Jarrod, carrying Jamie, didn't wait to hear more.

He strode toward the door.

Alec hurried to him, asking, "Mr. Schultz, what should we do with Miss Lawrence?” Jarrod paused briefly before responding coldly, “Take her to the police station.” He had no time for Nicole now.

The police would keep her safe, at least.

Nicole, gripped by pain, watched helplessly as Jarrod moved Raegan's anxiety mounted since she was unable to reach Nicole.

Raegan often visited the hospital to care for Nicole’s parents during her free time.

Yet, they were unaware of Nicole's whereabouts.

Seeing her parents’ aged, lined faces, Raegan couldn't reveal Nicole's disappearance.

It would only add to their burden.

She reassured them, telling them Nicole was busy, and urged them to take care.

Forty-eight hours later, Raegan visited the police station to report Nicole's disappearance.

There, she learned of Nicole's arrest.

Eager for more information to bail Nicole out, Raegan inquired but, as a non-relative, received none.

Raegan chose not to tell Nicole's parents, fearing for their vulnerability to take the blow.

Her thoughts instinctively turned to Mitchel, thinking that he was her only hope for uncovering the truth.

However, their relationship had ended bitterly, and they hadn't met since then.

Raegan knew of Mitchel only through TV reports about the growing bond between the Dixon and Glyn families, hinting at the potential connection through marriage.

‘This news had boosted the Dixon Group's stock.

the mall, Raegan ran into Luciana, who

a warmth that resembled

them together, Raegan understood that Luciana had been somewhat restrained when

made Raegan realize Luciana had previously held back her

Raegan’'s uneasy expression, Luciana gave a brief nod and

generous! She purchased national-style wedding gifts, designed by a renowned designer, for a billion

future daughter-in-law." It seemed Katie might soon marry into the Dixon family, which explained Luciana’s uneasy

her flat belly, signing at the timing of

alone, inspired by students who

she decided against meeting

with Nicole's uncertain situation, Raegan felt she had no choice


promptly, his tone polite as always, “Miss Hayes." “Matteo,

busy with a video

relay the message to him if you want.” Raegan paused, realizing the difficulty of

said, “It's

Matteo.” As she was about to end the call, Matteo added,

the company for work these days." Surprised, Raegan responded with a brief, “Okay." After the call,

profile, she noticed

never posted anything, his Moments were visible to her

it was

he had

wanted no contact with

now on, you

to see you again." His determination was etched

chest, tears

could she say now? Henley

Luciana’s advice, keeping her distance

deep breath and staring at the cloudy sky,

ask Hector for help, hoping he might

revealed Jarrod's involvement in the case and

declined, citing a


Raegan was stunned.

of Nicole's

worry deepened, especially considering Nicole's pregnancy and the

to confront Jarrod at his company for answers, but

she tried calling Mitchel again, only to be met with a busy tone, suggesting she

other choice, Raegan reached out to

he quickly ended the call, stating that Mitchel

of urgency

she gathered her courage and

Matteo's response was consistent,

late into the


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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