Love Unbreakable

Chapter 244

Chapter 244 The Most Important Person

Nicole's nerves, strained to their limit, eased only when she was safely inside the ambulance.

A sensation of something descending in her lower abdomen gripped her...

Had her baby failed to live after the torment she went through? A mouthful of blood escaped Nicole's lips.

Her fingers clenched so tightly that blood oozed from her grasp.

Jarrod! What a bastard! How could he be cruel as to get rid of his own child? How dare him! In the hospital, Jarrod remained by Jamie's side.

Jamie, after a detailed examination, was found to be unharmed.

The fork had missed her artery.

In the chaos, Jamie had pressed her hand against the wound, making the bleeding appear more severe than it was.

Traumatized, Jamie repeatedly voiced her fear that Nicole wanted to kill her, opting to stay in the hospital for a few more days with Jarrod by her side.

At this moment, Jarrod stepped out of the ward for a moment alone in the corridor.

He was about to light a cigarette when his phone rang.

Alec was on the line.

"Mr.Schultz, I went to pick up Miss Lawrence as instructed, but Mr.Dixon's men had already secured her medical parole."

Mitchel had arranged Nicole's medical parole? Jarrod pondered for a moment and connected the dots.

Raegan must have spoken to Mitchel and asked for help.

He recalled Mitchel's call from the previous night, which he had neglected due to Jamie's distress.

This had to be the topic of that missed call.

He had never intended to detain Nicole for long.

Doing Mitchel this favor seemed right.

"Forget it.Just take care of the remaining issues."

"Already done.The case against her has been dropped."


After a pause, Alec added with concern, "But it appears Miss Lawrence sustained serious injuries..."

At this instant, a doctor, hurrying with a gurney, passed by Jarrod.

"Sir, please step aside."

Jarrod moved, his eyes briefly meeting the gurney as he asked Alec, "What did you just say?"

was injured in the detention

moment passed without an

"Mr.Schultz, are you there?"

phone clattering

and immobile, his gaze locked on

face was deathly pale, a stark

dangled from

lower half of her body, the horror of her ordeal evident

felt a sudden, searing pain in

forward, grasping the edge of the gurney,

doctor, frowning, tried to pull Jarrod's hand

hindering our

move aside prompted the doctor

our efforts


weak grasp caught


a mix

eyes fluttered open, the whites


voice, rough and

words were difficult to

felt as

actually his own? Nicole's blurred vision

she saw

weakly slipped

"Jarrod," she whispered.

you to be cursed with illness and

hatred, despair, and revulsion, was hoarse and

lips closely, deciphering each word that

bloodied hand was choking him, his

moment, Jarrod spoke through

about death! You're not scaring

doctor interjected urgently, "Sir, the patient is bleeding.Your

team, Jarrod seemed

understand why Jarrod was attempting to communicate with a patient who could only make hissing

Finally, Jarrod let go.

motionless, then retrieved his phone from the floor

the emergency room, Jarrod's hands

had thought confining her in the detention center would only limit her freedom, granting her a lesson for defying

could things have turned

Nicole mean by accusing him of killing his own child?

against the wall, he dialed

out everything that happened to Nicole in

detail, and you'll

medical team stretched on for eight grueling

operating room, motionless,

table, her complexion pallid, her breathing having

was in the hands of the hospital's most experienced professor, with

and lack of qualifications for lead surgeon, was remarkably skilled in drug therapy research,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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