Love You Enough to Leave You

Love You Enough To Leave You Chapter 270

Chapter 270 Turn Love Into Hate

Cassie knew that even if she showed up to announce that she had sex with Oscar, Olivia wouldn’t agree to let her enter the family. Oscar wasn’t in love with her anymore, so her action would only serve to humiliate herself. However, she refused to give up. She didn’t want Oscar to dump her after taking advantage of her, so she decided to kick up a fuss and annoy the Clintons. They shall suffer! I can’t be happy, so they can’t be happy, too!

She tried to persuade her parents to go to the Clinton residence, but her parents refused to humiliate themselves. Thus, she agreed to start over again with June if her parents would follow her to the Clinton residence. As her parents had taken a liking to June’s family background, she used that to force them to go against the Clinton family.

Her parents, who used to love her, ended up caving in for their own benefits.

Since no one wished her well, she’d be going up against the entire world herself. She was willing to sacrifice her body so men would go against the Clinton family for her sake.

Any man would do for her, as long as he agreed to take revenge on Oscar.

She had no idea what spell Oscar casted on her. After failing to get him, her love turned to hate, and she went all out to take revenge on him.

Love made her a madwoman. Hence, she went against her heart and became June’s woman. That way, she could see Oscar kneeling before her one day and apologizing to her, saying that he was wrong.

She brought her parents to the Clinton residence to demand an explanation. No one showed any signs of giving in.

Cassie shot Oscar a hopeful look. Even if he gave her a pitiful look, she’d immediately stop hating him and continue loving him deeply. Alas, Oscar didn’t even bother sparing her a glance.

Biting her lip, she couldn’t stop the hatred in her heart from escalating. If you don’t love me, then despise me. That way, I’ll still be in your heart.

Olivia took one look at the Yard family and pretended to be clueless. “Charlie, why are you here with Cassie? Are you going to kick up a fuss?”

Before Charlie could speak, Elizabeth stopped him. “Olivia, we parted on bad terms previously. I didn’t want to come and upset you, but your son seduced Cassie when she was on the verge of giving up. Cassie said they had sex last night. Never mind if you refuse to admit it. We had already done a medical examination at the hospital. When the results are released, we’ll go to the police and sue Oscar. We don’t care about our reputation anymore. I want you to know that we are not pushovers,” she declared.

Olivia’s gaze darkened.

intent, but

be bad for both sides. It looks like the Yards are going to burn bridges. We’re ending

it to the police will affect both Cassie’s and Oscar’s reputations. Cassie, especially, is just a woman. She’ll get married one day. Do you want her to be labeled that way for the rest of her life? I’m not defending Oscar. If it is his fault, we will make it up to Cassie. Isn’t that what

few months. Cassie lost her child, tried to commit suicide,

gets a divorce and marries Cassie, or we’ll sue him

stiffened visibly, not knowing how to

I admit I had sex with Cassie, but it was a set-up. I’ll definitely find out the culprit behind this and give you closure. However, there’s no way I’ll marry her. If you want to sue

Elizabeth glared at him.

for real. Even if they won the court case, Cassie’s reputation would go down the drain. It would be hard for her to marry into a respectable family. Their goal was

an expressionless Oscar as her

they used to be a loving couple. She couldn’t forget how he adored her and indulged in her every whim willingly. However, five years later, she returned to find him married to someone else. She compromised and agreed to be his mistress, and he promised to get a divorce before marrying her. The idea of wearing a wedding gown and marrying him in a

changed, he was

but he was in love with

envied by all. After marrying him, she’d be a housewife and prepare meals for him. She had envisioned a future together with him. They’d spend

months when Oscar changed his mind and decided to return to his

had sex with Cassie, and that’s the truth. What’s your plan? Don’t be a coward.

lips without

it up to Cassie? We’ve thought about it on the way here. Never mind if you won’t marry her. There are plenty of men who’d

Oscar’s eyes grew even

large corporation with over ten thousand employees. A mere five percent share would be an exorbitant sum for a

to end our relationship because of these material possessions?” Olivia turned to Charlie and tried to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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