Love You Enough to Leave You

Love You Enough To Leave You Chapter 280

Chapter 280 Frustration

After dinner, Olivia said to Amelia with a serious expression, “Go with me for a walk outside in a short while, Amelia. It’s been a while since we last chatted together. We should talk tonight.”

Amelia subconsciously glanced at Oscar.

Catching her look, he placed his silverware down and commented, “Amelia has been taking care of Tony for the past few days, Mom, and she’s not feeling very well. You can talk to her anytime, so it doesn’t have to be today.”

Olivia’s expression instantly turned grim as she gave her son a warning look. “I’m merely asking my daughter-in-law to go for a walk. Is there a problem with that? I know that you care about your wife very much, Oscar. What’s the matter? Are you afraid that I’ll harm her?”

“That’s not what I meant, Mom.”

“It’d better not be.”

“Mom, Oscar didn’t mean it like that. He’s just worried that my unstable mental state would scare you,” Amelia quickly intervened.

“It won’t. You’re both underestimating me,” Olivia replied, seemingly hinting at something.

In the end, Amelia did as she was told to and accompanied Olivia for a walk in the courtyard.

While glancing at her, Olivia spoke directly, “I heard from Oscar that you’re both getting a divorce, Amelia. Is this true or just a joke?”

Amelia was stunned for a moment, for she had never expected Oscar to have told Olivia this matter. Furthermore, he did not tell her in advance; thus, she was caught off guard.

Amelia’s eyes flashed slightly as she licked her lips, thinking of the words to say next. She finally replied with a slight stutter, “Mom, this is the result of our discussion. I think the divorce will be good for both of us. There is another woman in his heart, and I have always been her substitute due to our similarity in look. Since she has returned, it would be shameless of me to occupy the title of Mrs. Clinton.”

Hearing this, Olivia glanced at her. “Do you really mean it?”

Amelia was at a loss for words.

Olivia grabbed her hand and patted it. “Although you’re my daughter-in-law, Amelia, I’ve always treated you as my daughter. I’m older and have more experience in life, so I’m telling you that whoever a man keeps in his heart and whoever he’s with are not important. As long as he comes home in the end, that’s all that matters. A smart woman wouldn’t haggle over her man’s flings. Nothing else matters as long as you’re the one by his side in the end. Only the stupidest woman would dwell on the man’s past mistakes.”

forlorn. Never would she have expected the gentle and gracious Olivia to utter such words in encouraging her to turn a blind eye to

mostly biased toward men. Many women would choose to forgive their husband’s infidelity. Now that you have Tony, shouldn’t you consider his feelings before deciding on the divorce? Aren’t you afraid that he’ll hate you for making

heart lurched upon

one another. He merely made a mistake that all men would make at some point. As long as his heart is still with

as she felt her

in his heart, but I’ve always known that I’ve no right to ask him, as our statuses aren’t equal right from the beginning. Even if you treat me like your daughter, don’t you discreetly think that I’m marrying out of my league? Because of that, I should endure Oscar’s infidelity

not help sparing Amelia a

determined to get this divorce, aren’t

know that if this family is adamant, even if I’m divorced, I

you insist on the divorce when

only smile wryly

once you’re divorced, not only will you not get a single share of our asset,

became anxious upon

I must have Tony. I gave birth to him after much difficulty. I can’t

Clinton family. If you get a divorce, he must


Amelia immediately thought of changing the topic. “Let’s head

my daughter, so don’t let me down. Don’t blame me for my ruthlessness should you insist on the divorce. Tony is the eldest grandson, so there’s no way you can have him. Besides that, you won’t be allowed to visit him after the divorce. You need to think carefully and consider whether you’re able

Olivia with

pressure me

were having a bad life, so don’t be stubborn. I’ll side with you if you argue with Oscar, but you shouldn’t have thought about divorce. We are a prominent family in this city, and there has never been any case of divorce within this family. The men in our family take relationships very seriously,” Olivia advised

liked Amelia. However, the divorce involved the custody of her grandson, and she would

overwhelming. Coupled with the threat by Olivia, it made her realize that it

Oscar insists on it, can you please give Tony to me? I’ll be left with nothing except Tony after leaving

stared at


just that I’ve been under enough pressure over the years. I don’t want to be someone else’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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