Love You Enough to Leave You

Love You Enough To Leave You Chapter 291

Chapter 291 Truth From The Drunk

“Tiff, how do I look? Please tell me I don’t look like a crazy person,” pleaded Amelia self-consciously after walking out of the elevator.

“You look great! I don’t think anybody could tell that you just had a breakdown. Not at all,” commented Tiffany with a thumbs-up.

“Very funny, Tiff.” Amelia chuckled and slapped her friend jokingly on the arm, but the latter only shrugged in response.

“Are you ready? I’m going to open the door now.”

After Amelia nodded, Tiffany pushed the door open, but unexpectedly, Kurt was the only person they saw waiting inside. As for Tony, the boy was nowhere to be seen.

“Kurt, where’s Tony?” questioned Amelia.

“He’s with Martha,” answered Kurt as he pointed to a bedroom.

Instead of rushing to Tony, Amelia nodded appreciatively at the man for what he had done for her. “Sorry for troubling you today, Kurt. Did Mom… Mrs. Clinton give you a hard time for it?”

In response, Kurt shook his head. “Not at all. She wanted me to tell you to take care of Tony and yourself and that she’ll be visiting you this weekend.”

Amelia immediately fell silent when she heard that, for she knew she would have to disappoint Olivia. To avoid further complications, Amelia decided that it was best to leave the city with Tony the next day. The Clintons control this city. There’s pretty much nothing I can do if they ever want Tony’s custody back. I can’t let that happen, so I have to leave this place as soon as possible. I know this isn’t fair for them, but I can’t let them take Tony away from me. It took everything I had to let go of Oscar. I can’t lose Tony too!

“Kurt, I’m going to leave the city tomorrow. You can come with me if you want. But only if you want to. I’m not going to force you.”

Stunned, the man did not expect that Amelia would leave in such a hurry, but he believed that she had a good reason for doing so. “I’ll go with you.”

Even though the two had only known each other for a few months, Kurt acted like he had known Amelia for many years. Not only had he repeatedly helped her, but he also never asked for anything in return, and for that, Amelia was very grateful. To her, Kurt was more than just a bodyguard; He was a true friend.

“Thank you, Kurt,” Amelia stated as she genuinely wanted the man to know how much she appreciated him. She considered herself extremely fortunate to have such a loyal friend by her side in her time of need.

by an awkward silence before Tiffany clapped her hands and broke the

just died. Lighten up a little! Didn’t you say something about getting drunk tonight, Amelia? Let’s do that! Nobody’s

you, Kurt? Are you in,

gave her

I knew

though Tiffany was loud, she was also a very thoughtful person. To Kurt, Tiffany was a good friend to have around, so he did not mind smiling at her at

Martha to look after Tony, Tiffany went out with Kurt to get some beverages and food. The man was in charge of serving up delicacies to go with the

her dinner in the room while she continued to look after Tony. As for the other three adults, they had

said, nobody’s going anywhere tonight until we get stupid drunk. Time to

three clinked before

up my mug, Tiff,” stated Amelia as she placed

woman’s mug to

bottle and continued to down more beer. Shocked by Amelia’s unusual behavior, Tiffany tried to take the beer bottle away from her friend, but the woman would not let her. “Please, Tiff. I need this. Just let me be for tonight. I promise I’ll be back to my normal self tomorrow.

after everything Amelia had

be concerned for Amelia as well. “Let her be. She’s going through a tough time. I just hope that getting drunk will be enough to ease her pain. Even if it’s

expected, Amelia eventually

onto the table, cried

to fill her friends

do you say we go rest now?” Patting Amelia’s back, Tiffany tried to convince her

wanted to do that, but why didn’t you stop me? Why did you agree to the divorce? You have no idea how much I’m hurting right now. But you don’t seem bothered by the divorce at all. Do you really

her mug and looked at Tiffany with her eyes barely open. “Drink, Tiff! You promised me that we would get stupid drunk, remember? Don’t chicken

away from Amelia again but to no avail. Amelia was not ready to stop just yet. “Leave my beer alone, Tiff! I have to get more drunk. Only then will I be able to

for her friend that her eyes began to well

you get into your room. I promise you

away. Come on, Tiff. Bottoms up!” Amelia lifted her mug once again and gestured

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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