Love You Enough to Leave You

Love You Enough To Leave You Chapter 305

Chapter 305 Drunk

Oscar kept downing one shot after another as though he were trying to give up his life. That was the second time Julian saw Oscar being that out of control. The first time was when Amelia asked for a divorce, and Julian would bet his last money that the issue at hand involved Amelia as well.

At that moment, Julian finally understood just how powerful women could be. It didn’t matter how strong a man was because he would still lose himself when dealing with the woman he loved.

Reaching out, Julian snatched Oscar’s bottle away. “Oscar, are you trying to kill yourself?”

Oscar held his hand out to get the bottle back, which made Julian put the bottle further away. “Seriously, Oscar. You’ll look cowardly if you keep drinking like this. Just tell me what’s going on. I can help you come up with a solution.”

Oscar managed to snatch the bottle back and drank all the remaining whiskey in one go.

Frowning, Julian scolded, “Oscar, man up already! You can’t just drink your sorrow away every time something troubles you. How do you expect Amelia to depend on and trust you when you are so weak?”

Those words were like the last straw that broke the camel’s back. At that moment, a punch landed right on Julian’s face. The latter was stunned for a moment, and that gave Oscar the opportunity to throw yet another punch. Soon after, Julian regained his footing, and a fight broke out between the two friends.

The bar’s other customers, including the ones that were on the dance floor, heard the commotion. It didn’t take long before the bar’s manager got the guards over to pry the fighting men apart.

Both Oscar and Julian had injuries on their faces, but Julian looked a little worse, as blood was dripping from the edge of his lips.

Since the owner of the bar knew Oscar, the manager didn’t dare to be too harsh. He ended up politely asking everyone to go home and rest up.

When the men left the bar, Julian massaged his injured face and shot a look at Oscar. Then, he broke burst into laughter out of the blue. “Feeling better?”

Feeling his mood lifted a bit, Oscar replied, “Sorry, I acted impulsively.”

“You’re the only one who can get away with something like this. If anyone else had punched me, I will make it so that he won’t survive long enough to see the next sunrise,” said Julian while massaging his jaw and hissing in pain. “Oh gosh, you are cruel. I almost lost my teeth. Did you see me as the enemy? Because you definitely didn’t hold back.”

Not responding, Oscar strolled numbly to his car. Julian followed along quickly and hopped into the passenger’s seat, even without an invitation from the other man.

When Julian got into the car, he reverted to his carefree style and asked, “Oscar, since you’ve punched me, shouldn’t you at least tell me what I did to piss you off?”

Oscar fired up the engine and stared out the window.

he would not

is that supposed to mean?” Julian questioned, not able

“She went to Saspiuburg.”

because Oscar definitely would not have let Amelia leave just like that, especially if he planned on courting

you already decided to court Amelia and get her back? Why did you let

Oscar’s gaze darkened.

snuck away last night, and she was long gone by the time I realized what was going on. I sent all my people out, but I still can’t find her. All I know is that she took a plane to Saspiuburg. I don’t even know if she’s still there now. Within a single night, I became the man who was abandoned by his wife,” Oscar explained, suppressing his anger. “Back then, Cassie abandoned me, and now Amelia has left with Tony. Both women claimed they love me, yet they leave me right after I fall for them. Seriously, tell me the truth.

Oscar all those years ago had, without a doubt, traumatized him. He was abandoned on the day before the wedding, and he almost became a laughingstock. In a way, that was the most embarrassing thing that had happened to him. Fortunately, Oscar knew how to put on an act, and he was a powerful man. Those traits eventually

on from the pain that Cassie had caused him. The problem was, Amelia had heartlessly left just as Oscar discovered his feelings for her and decided

the kind of

before uttering, “Don’t beat yourself up, Oscar. I’m sure Amelia has her reasons for leaving. I’ll tap

said that she loves me, and that got me thinking. Perhaps she left without saying goodbye

culprit that caused

looking a little troubled. He had good intentions when he made that suggestion, but he never thought that Amelia would leave that suddenly and

was deliberately hiding away, it would be

my men monitor her in

and this is undeniably on me. I will try my best to make up for this, and I will help you find Amelia.

Oscar remained quiet.

your parents?” Tony was the first child of his generation, and given how the Clintons had always been old-fashioned, it was likely

Oscar looked extremely frustrated as he stiffened. His grip

of how Amelia had left with the

my parents and settle the

away without saying goodbye, and I’m sure that’ll hit your parents hard. If this issue is not settled nicely, it is likely your mom will hate Amelia. That

hearing his friend’s words, Oscar

those years ago. Olivia was so upset that she didn’t force Oscar to marry Cassie, even after learning

would love someone with all her heart, but she would also hate someone with her entire being. It would be impossible for her to change her mind about someone once she decided

Oscar was extremely

He loved Amelia, but he could not ignore his mother. She was the person he respected the most, and Oscar had to take her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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