Love You Enough to Leave You

Love You Enough To Leave You Chapter 326

Chapter 326 Making Life Difficult For The Guests

Rory hastened her steps when she saw Amelia coming into the salon. She then went over and held the latter by the arm. “Amelia, someone’s here to see you guys.”

Amelia was puzzled at her statement. After all, she and Tiffany had never kept in contact with anyone after they left the city. Hence, she could hardly think of anyone who could possibly know their whereabouts.

Rory glanced at the woman on the couch and tugged Tiffany while tilting her chin slightly toward the woman. Tiffany immediately followed Rory’s gaze, and her eyes widened in disbelief. Wow… What a dashing woman!

Before she could even come back to her senses, Jeremy walked toward her and gave her a friendly reminder. “Mrs. Hisson’s here. You’d better watch what you say.”

Tiffany and Amelia looked at him blankly.

“Mrs. Hisson? You mean… Derrick’s mother?” Tiffany asked cluelessly. She recalled Derrick telling her that his mother was still recuperating. Besides, the woman sitting on the couch was so young Tiffany could not believe that she was actually his mother.

Nonetheless, there was no time for Jeremy to explain anything to Tiffany at that moment, so he said, “Hurry over. She’s been waiting for a while now. Patience is not her virtue, so think twice before saying anything, alright? We can’t afford to land on her bad side.”

Tiffany looked at Amelia beseechingly and pulled her over together.

Then, Jeremy led the way and introduced the two ladies. “Tiffany Winters, Mrs. Hisson,” Jeremy said while gesturing toward Tiffany. “She’s the girl Mr. Hisson mentioned, and this is their mutual friend, Amelia.” He looked at Rory and decided not to introduce her. After all, he figured the high-toned lady of the house would not want to know someone so insignificant as a caregiver.

The woman seated on the couch gave off an air of elegance yet aloofness. She felt so distant, although they were in the same room.

At the same time, Tiffany beheld the exquisite being, doing the math in her heart. If she’s Derrick’s mom, that means she’s in her fifties or sixties, but hell, she looks like she’s in her twenties, and Derrick really takes after her. It’s just that she has a feminine spell to her looks. Tiffany held her breath as she perused the woman. She’s easily one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen. I’ll venture to say she’s a rare beauty. Even Amelia, Cassie, and Jennifer pale in comparison to her.

Tiffany’s thoughts were not baseless. It was true that Kate would capture simply anyone’s eyes. Her beauty was the most exquisite in all regards—she was gentle, enticing, and desirable. Her sole existence was enough to prove that God had favorites when it came to His creation; her beauty must be divinely-inspired.

Tiffany finally knew where Derrick got his charms from. It was no wonder that an apple would not fall far from its tree, yet Tiffany did not allow herself to dwell in admiration of Kate’s beauty.

She had her guards up because she knew fatality lay behind the facade of Kate’s beguiling looks.

True enough, Kate had been carefully scrutinizing the girl ever since she walked in. Her defined brows arched in indifference as she then shifted her gaze to Amelia.

Kate, she knew what that look meant. She looks at me as though I’m some inexpensive goods in a shop. It’s clear that she looks down on me. She might even think

the silence. “Crystal told me that he’s involved with some woman lately. I can’t help but wonder just what kind of woman is able to capture my son’s attention and be his plaything, so I

voice won the audience over despite the spite in

was unfair that someone could be so attractive that anyone would readily

and Tiffany’s brows as they listened to Kate’s

meet you, Mrs. Hisson,” she said apathetically. “You should’ve informed us of your little visit, so we could head to the airport

looked at her intently. “Well, well. I would’ve been happier if you were the one Derrick was dating. After all, one should at least have some standard, even if it’s just a fling. I thought my son would at

words, Amelia squeezed Tiffany’s hand and emboldened herself. “I’m afraid you’re wrong, Mrs. Hisson. I thought wealthy families like yours prefer women who are obedient and capable of managing the house? I believe someone too attractive would not

finally stood up. She walked over without haste until she stood in front of Amelia. After taking a look at Amelia’s eyes, she

blind, aren’t

for a moment. She nodded slowly

lost my sight because of a car accident. Thanks for asking,” she said without any hint

Kate covered her mouth and smiled. “What a shame. You’re too pretty to

not take it any longer, so she stood in front of Amelia. “Excuse me, Mrs. Hisson. You might be Derrick’s mother, but that doesn’t give you the leeway to be rude.

Derrick’s taste. I can’t believe he really chose you of all the women out

Tiffany scoffed out loud.

a walking example yourself. Your looks are nothing but a waste

Tiffany would have been nicer, but deriding Amelia was the last

you just talk back to someone older than you? Let me warn you, sweetie. Don’t even dream about marrying Derrick. I don’t care if he’s being serious with you or

was on the verge of lashing out. However, Amelia’s grip tightened around


already had lunch,”

and talk. I believe you’re kind enough to be the big person over

some drinks, Jeremy. We can’t

Jeremy shot his worried gaze at

tea. Meanwhile, you should get some rest yourself.” It went without saying that Kate was trying to get him

looked at the woman

long after. “Mrs. Hisson, the drinks

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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