Love You Enough to Leave You

Love You Enough To Leave You Chapter 345

Chapter 345 Battle Of Wits

In response, Derrick shrugged before lifting his head to look at Oscar. There was a hint of sadness in his eyes as he continued, “You know, I love Tiff just as much as you love Amelia. I’ve been interested in her since the first day she became a writer for my company. Her work was soulful that it made me want to fall in love, and that’s why I wanted to get to know her more. Then I realized the more I knew her, the more I became interested in her. Unfortunately, she has disappeared with Amelia, and I still couldn’t find them.”

“Since Amelia really did stay at your villa, why didn’t you admit it before? What were you trying to hide?”

Instead of answering the question, Derrick smiled and quickly changed the subject. “We’re both on the same boat, you know? So if you hear anything about Amelia or Tiff, please let me know. It has been three years. I think it’s time to find out if Tiff’s feelings for me are mutual.”

All of a sudden, as if he had an epiphany, Oscar stretched out his hand, and Derrick instinctively high-fived it.

“I’ll inform you as soon as I locate them, but you have to promise me that you’ll never lie to me. Otherwise, I’m going to make sure that you and your family pay for your mistake.”

“It’s a deal.”

Even though the two seemed to have reached an agreement, neither of them knew what the other was actually planning in his head.

“Do you want to grab a drink?” invited Derrick.


“What did Amelia ask you to get?” inquired Oscar after they left the apartment and entered the elevator.

“It’s not something you would expect. She just wanted me to get her a photo album; it’s the one with photos of you and her. She said it’d be nice to relive those memories. Unfortunately, she and Tiff both disappeared after I last saw them. It’s cruel, really, what they did. That’s why I said we’re both on the same boat,” answered Derrick with a wry smile.

Oscar was already distracted the moment Derry mentioned the photo album. Even after five years of marriage, Oscar and Amelia did not take many photos together. Those in the album only existed because Amelia wanted a couple photoshoot. Naturally, the man agreed because he loved Amelia. At first, he was a little stiff in front of the camera, so Amelia teased him and called him a statue. Oscar then retorted that if he were a statue, he was a handsome-looking one. In the end, the happy Amelia during the photoshoot convinced Oscar that it was all worth it.

Those photos were proof of the happy moments they had together.

“Is that really what she told you?” asked Oscar hesitantly.

Derrick remained silent for a while before responding, “What do you mean?”

“You said she wanted the photo album because she wanted to relive our memories. Is that true?”

Derrick nodded, suddenly feeling pity for the man. As the head of Clinton Corporations, Oscar could have had any woman he wanted, but for some reason, he only had eyes for Amelia. Even now, his heart longed to be with her. He had only met a handful of men with such fierce loyalty to a woman.

After seeing Derrick’s response, Oscar tightened his grip on the steering wheel as a content smile crept its way onto his face.

Derrick gave Oscar a curious look when the man stopped outside The Mirage. “A karaoke bar? I thought we were going to a regular bar.”

“They have private rooms, so it’s much quieter inside. I had a headache today, so I’d rather not deal with loud noises.”

the bruises he left on the man. Derrick started to wonder if Oscar should go home

about we take a rain check? You should rest at home if you’re not feeling well,

I wanted to get nagged at, I would’ve gone to my mother. Now stop your yapping and come have a drink with

powerful and influential friend like him will no doubt bring me more good

were more than glad when they saw the two enter their workplace, for the establishment was rarely graced with the presence

the two gentlemen. If allowed, almost everyone in the service crew would spend their working

Clinton?” inquired Derrick after ordering the

response as he continued to ignore the staff members gazing

with the ordering, Derrick and Oscar took the elevator to their private room. Oscar slumped onto the couch as soon as they got

we’re at a karaoke bar, why don’t we sing a song or two? Here. Show me what you’ve got.” Derrick

first song he picked was one of his all-time favorites. Not only was it one of the most popular songs during his childhood, but it was also one


his throat before he started singing. A pleasant-sounding and tuneful voice came out of the man’s mouth as he

when he realized what a great singer Oscar was, so he decided to do his best to

with the song, Derrick could not help but give Oscar a big thumbs-up to show the man how impressed he was. “My goodness, Mr. Clinton! I definitely did not expect you to be that talented in singing. And I can tell that you’re very familiar

song. You have good taste,”

maybe they had more in common

waitress brought in their order

made herself scarce after finishing

then put the microphone down and reached out to grab a bottle

“Another song, Mr. Clinton?”

You go ahead.

Even though Derrick did not look the type, he was skillful enough

his bottle of beer and was

You have to keep it in your mouth for a while before swallowing it. That way, you’ll

wise alcohol consumption method. Bottoms up.

response, Derrick clinked his bottle

did not take long before Derrick regretted drinking with Oscar, who promised not to get drunk but ended up intoxicated, anyway. “More! I need more beer!” shouted Oscar after downing three bottles. By then, his face was already bright red, and

Oscar’s arm around his shoulder to support the man, who could no longer stand properly without help. This is unexpected. I honestly thought Oscar could hold his drink, but it turned out that three bottles were all it took to get him drunk. Either he’s really that weak, or he’s just pretending

you again! I’ve been very good. Since you told me

that, Oscar pulled himself away from Derrick and

was finally convinced that the man was indeed

from further humiliation. “Come on, Mr. Clinton. Let’s get

stopped his dancing. He would gaze at the man from time to time and slur, “It’s so good to have you back, Amelia. Words can’t even begin to describe how much I’ve missed you. Did you miss me too, Amelia?

over whenever Oscar stared lovingly at him. I can’t believe this is happening to me. What on earth did I ever do to deserve this? I guess I should consider myself lucky that all he did was stare. I swear I’ll lose it if

into the driver’s seat and started driving toward the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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