Love You Enough to Leave You

Love You Enough To Leave You Chapter 348

Chapter 348 He Flees

Oscar had a hard time coming to terms with what happened to Amelia. On one hand, he felt guilty for agreeing to divorce her that easily. On the other, he hated himself for letting her face her blindness all by herself. He knew Amelia would lose her sight one day, but still, he was so careless as to let her leave.

He could not believe that he let the woman he loved leave when she was feeling all hopeless and helpless. Worse still, she was moving around trying to hide because his family was hunting her down. What have I done? All this happened because of me.

He started doubting everything he had been doing so far. His search for her made her move again and again. Yes, his intention was so that she would return to him, but instead, she was going through so much because of him.

Hence, he started having second thoughts.

This was the first time he reflected on his actions. In the past, he would do whatever his heart wanted, but now, he was not sure anymore.

Now that he started having second guesses, his doubt festered.

“Mr. Clinton, I’ve already seen the nurse out,” Hugo reported back accordingly.

Glancing at him, Oscar asked hesitantly, “Hugo, what do you think about the way I treat Amelia?”

Hearing his question, Hugo was surprised.

“Tell me the truth.”

Hugo thought for a bit before answering, “I was not sure myself at the beginning, but over the past few months, I’ve seen you changed so much because of her. I think you’re really in love with her, else you won’t even do so much just to find her.”

Oscar laughed deridingly. “But do you think this is what she wants? Didn’t she leave just so I won’t ever find her again? Do you think she even wants to see me?”

Hugo was lost. This was not the Oscar he knew. His boss was always confident and daring.

“I don’t know why Mrs. Clinton chose to leave, boss, but I’m certain of one thing—she still loves you.”

“Are you sure?” Oscar did not dare to feed on such hopes.

“Yes, I’m sure,” Hugo reiterated. “Are you okay, Boss?”

Clasping his hands together, Oscar stared outside of the window.

the director of Principal General

usual self again. He

to extend an invitation to him in person.

Hugo replied. “Have some rest first. You need to be recharged and

going. Let me know when he


rest now. You

Hugo nodded and left.

gone, Oscar lay in his bed, waiting for sleep to beckon him. He thought he could not sleep, but he did. He dreamed of Amelia. The sight of two dark holes in her eye sockets was ghastly, but he was not afraid. Instead,

see me in this state. Please stop looking for me. You’re too perfect for me. I’m not good


himself awake. He was soaked in sweat

forehead dry, he gasped for

morning. He had slept for three hours, but it felt like he

pacing his breath as

voice suddenly


the bed. “I’ve already contacted the hospital director. He said he could meet you for two hours

smirked. “Is

get him here?” Hugo asked for

for us to meet up. I have time anyway, so I don’t mind waiting. Also, send someone to keep an eye on him. I want to know who

see to it,

him who I am?”

we’re a pharmaceutical supplier, and that we’re interested in working with his hospital, so he agreed to meet.

Oscar just nodded.

okay, Boss? You don’t look too well. Should I get a doctor?” Seeing how Oscar was, Hugo

off the bed, Oscar went right into the bathroom. It was not until he came back out again that he answered,

“Yeah, they did.”

a lot of care from doctors and nurses. I’m


really think you should see a doctor. You need to be healthy

me some flu

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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