Love You Enough to Leave You

Love You Enough To Leave You Chapter 378

Chapter 378 Reunited After Two Years

Ever since a compatible cornea was found for Amelia, time passed quickly. In the blink of an eye, half a year went by. James sent word from Anglandur that the young donor’s condition had worsened and only had a few days left. Hence, he instructed Oscar to take Amelia there at once. With all the equipment in place, the operation to transplant the cornea would commence upon Amelia’s arrival.

Together with Hugo, Oscar drove to the airport and waited for the flight at the terminal.

Meanwhile, Derrick who had been camping out at the airport walked up to Oscar. He suggested with a smile, “Mr. Clinton, I hope you don’t mind taking another person with you to Beshya. While you pick up your lady, I hope to pick up mine. Since mine has accompanied yours for the last two years, I think it’s time for her to return to my side.”

Oscar pointed to the seat next to him. “Have a seat.”

After Derrick sat down, both of them didn’t talk to each other. It wasn’t until they had their tickets checked during boarding that they realized they were seated next to each other.

When Oscar saw Derrick sitting beside him, his gaze sharpened. “Derrick, what are you up to?”

Shrugging, Derrick grinned. “I’m just happy that you can meet your ex-wife again while I’ll be reunited with my woman. Isn’t this a win-win situation?”

“Derrick, regardless of what you plan to do. I hope that you will not interfere in my affairs with Amelia. We will resolve it ourselves,” Oscar warned.

Derrick smiled. “Mr. Clinton, I believe we share the same goal. Aren’t we just looking to be with the woman we love?”

After shooting him a glance, Oscar shut his eyes.

Both of them spent the rest of the flight in silence.

After disembarking, Oscar prepared to get into a car that Hugo had arranged for him. As for Derrick, he too had a car prepared in advance. Before getting in, Derrick remarked, “Mr. Clinton, let’s see who will reach there first.” The moment he finished, both of them got into their respective cars.

Oscar ordered, “Drive.”

As the driver drove dutifully, it took them an hour and a half to reach the neighborhood where Amelia was staying in.

After coming to a stop, the driver informed, “Mr. Clinton, we have arrived.”

Oscar looked out the window. Staring at the same

like Amelia. At that moment, he had thought that luck had brought his wife back to him. But

emotions flooded into it. He felt both anxious and excited. But most importantly, he was filled with anticipation to be able to see Amelia

will never let you slip out of my hands


It wasn’t until an unforgettable silhouette appeared that he opened the door and

that he had made prior arrangements with the neighborhood security guards, none of them got

was just a few steps away from her, he came to a halt. His razor-sharp gaze turned into a gentle look in a flash. Staring at her longingly, he realized she hadn’t changed at

saw Oscar appear out of nowhere, she was filled with surprise. Putting a finger to her lips to shush him, she turned to Amelia and said, “Babe, I suddenly remembered that I left my phone

a smile, “Go on.

you’ll be fine

promise I won’t go

as she spoke, she looked in Oscar’s direction

walked away to

she saw Kurt at the entrance. After looking at him with mixed emotions,

for yourself that he has found us. A-Are you all right?” Tiffany gave

with his lips pursed and fists clenched, Kurt was staring

for the both of you. Now that Oscar is here, your efforts in pursuing

from Amelia, Kurt turned around and headed upstairs. Feeling concerned, Tiffany ran after him and asked, “Kurt, are you all right? Are you really

figures disappeared from

Amelia step by step. When he was inches away from her, he embraced her, giving her a fright. Just when she was about to struggle, she caught a whiff of an unforgettable

she asked

your hand again,” Oscar reassured her with a deep voice while leaning his head

he saw her suppressing her sobs. Just when he tried to wipe away her tears, she pushed him away unexpectedly

her for injures and noticed that

and burying her face in his chest. Lowering his gaze at her, Oscar

floor is it?” he asked

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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