Love You Enough to Leave You

Love You Enough To Leave You Chapter 386

Chapter 386 Love Troubles

“I never pegged you for the type to take a woman seriously, but then you surprise me by falling for Boss’ woman and trying to steal her from under his nose. While I do admire your courage, I can’t help but worry for your safety,” Hugo added.

Kurt drank some of his beer before saying, “She’s a charming woman with a very unique personality. I doubt any man who comes into contact with her would be able to resist falling in love with her.”

Hugo shot Kurt a serious look in response. The two of them had worked side by side for many years, so he knew Kurt really did mean what he said.

I’m impressed by his courage, but what he’s doing is simply far too reckless…

With that in mind, Hugo downed the remaining beer in his bottle in one go.

He then jabbed a finger at Kurt as he said, “Kurt, do you have any idea how much trouble you’ve caused us when you brought Mrs. Clinton away two years ago? We searched everywhere for her day and night, including the neighborhood you guys are staying in now. Boss was like a completely different person throughout the past two years. He immersed himself in work and became a lot more irritable than usual. A lot of us have been punished by Boss because of your selfish act. One of our colleagues even had both his legs broken by Boss in a fit of rage and is wheelchair-bound for the rest of his life. Did you not consider what would happen to us before leaving like that?”

Kurt tightened his grip on the bottle.

He had a lot going on in his head, but the only words that left his mouth were, “I’m sorry.”

Hugo let out a wry chuckle. “You’re usually so quiet that none of us thought you’d do anything crazy, but then you went ahead and did the craziest thing ever. All of us suffered greatly because of that stunt you pulled. None of us had a good night’s sleep for the past two years, and Boss would even lash out at us from time to time. I believe you owe us all an apology, Kurt.”

“I’ll apologize to the others in person when I have the chance to,” Kurt replied.

Hugo clinked bottles with him as he asked, “So, what are you going to do now that you’ve seen how much they love each other?”

hint of pain flashed past Kurt’s eyes as he

by her side for two years now, Kurt. You should know better than

be protected,”

the facts have been clearly laid out before him? Boss might actually kill him

such an idiot, Kurt! Mrs. Clinton may be pretty, but she isn’t worth you throwing away everything you have!

him a glance and said, “I know what I’m

have run off with her two years ago if you knew what you were doing!

the two of them ended up drinking

seemed to have a clearer head after all that drinking. “Come on, let’s go,” he

mumbled, feeling slightly

back to the hospital, Hugo asked, “Kurt,

looked at him in confusion.

what I

fell silent once

know working for Boss is the only way to hone your talents. Mrs. Clinton isn’t a bad person,

to give me anything. Besides, I promised her I’d look after Mr. Anthony until he grows up, and I always keep my promise. As long as she allows me to stay by her side, I am content with just loving her in secret for the rest

quiet, and neither of them said another word as they continued

stepping out of the elevator, Hugo couldn’t help but advise him one final time, “Kurt, I think you’d better reconsider this. You have

that for sure until the very

knows exactly what he’s getting into. Since I’m not him, I guess I won’t really know

trying to change Kurt’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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