Love You Enough to Leave You

Love You Enough To Leave You Chapter 388

Chapter 388 Burning Bridges

The next morning, Oscar ordered Amelia to stay put while he clumsily packed her clothes for her.

He only took what he could fit into a single suitcase as they could always shop for clothes after arriving in Anglandur.

“Let’s head out for breakfast, Honey,” Oscar said after he was done with the suitcase.

Amelia nodded, and the two of them left the bedroom.

Kurt and Hugo were already waiting for them by the time they came downstairs.

Oscar shot them a glance and commented, “You two sure are early today.”

“We’ve only just got here a while ago, Boss,” Hugo replied.

Oscar carefully sat Amelia down on the sofa before turning toward Hugo. “Are the flight tickets all prepared?”

“Yes, Boss.”

Just then, Tiffany came running out of the kitchen with a spatula in hand. “Hey, Oscar! Just so you know, I’ll also be joining you guys on your trip to Anglandur! You’re not taking Amelia there without me!”

Oscar shot her a cold glare as he asked, “You promised Derrick yesterday that you’d go back with him if he was all right. It has only been one night and you’re going back on your word already?”

Tiffany was clearly a little intimidated, but she refused to back down and argued defiantly, “I’m not! I’m just worried about Amelia, that’s all! You just showed up all of a sudden and asked her to go to Anglandur with you! For all we know, you could be trying to trick her into going there so you can sell her to human traffickers or something! I have to go with her to ensure her safety!”

Tiffany’s excuse was so lame that even she herself found it hard to believe.

“Me? Sell her off? Your ability to insult people sure has decreased significantly over the past two years, huh, Tiffany?” Oscar replied with a smile so unnatural that it gave her the creeps.

“You, on the other hand, have gotten a lot better with your comebacks, Mr. Clinton!” Tiffany said with an awkward chuckle.

“Thank you for the compliment.”

he also got snarkier too! I don’t even know if I can beat him

and held her hand as she said, “I don’t care,

“What about Derrick, then?”

night. We’ll go back


two years now. I’m sure we can handle

should start discussing your marriage now that

little too soon. Besides, we haven’t even introduced each other

Hissons are a wealthy and powerful family, so it won’t be easy for me to marry into it. Derrick’s parents are bound to disapprove of our relationship, so things are

tried to comfort her best friend by holding on

as my godsister once Amelia’s eyes are all better. Even a prominent family like the Hissons wouldn’t dare give you a hard time

both glanced

look in her eyes as she didn’t expect him to help her out, especially after all the trouble she had caused him for Amelia’s sake. Oscar would never have cared about my personal affairs before. He must really love Amelia if he’d agree to help

really mean

the Hissons won’t have the guts to bully her even if they don’t like her family background. Those who wish to collaborate

wasn’t even being cocky as he most certainly had what it

on the shoulder as she said excitedly, “Since when did you become such a generous person, Mr.

you took such great care of her and Tony, I’m willing

such a gentleman, Mr.

be our hero once Tiff and I get married!” Derrick

befriending me! D*mned

your family is the only one capable of going against mine, that’s all! Tiff and Amelia are such good friends, so I’m sure you wouldn’t just sit by and watch our relationship suffer, right? Allow me to thank you on behalf of Tiff

himself speechless as he never knew Derrick was that

anything this shameless

had just shown her yet

perception of him changed the moment they started dating, and she realized he wasn’t a cold and unapproachable person

believed that she had lived a great life simply because she had found

but she has me now. I’ll take good

a conflicted look in his eyes. “I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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