Kiara couldn’t help but sigh Every ten minutes when she felt Zane’s eyes on her. He was sitting two tables away from them under her request but still, it felt like he was breathing on their necks because of how intently he was staring.

“How do you do it?” She turned to Levi as soon as she heard his voice.

“Do what?”

“He’s obviously so possessive of you. How do you cope with that?” Kiara sighed. Yes, it was true that Zane was possessive of her but it was never in a bad way. Right now, he was just behaving this way because he was threatened but she didn’t say all these to Levi, she just smiled.

“Shall we order?” He nodded with a smile then picked up the menu and ordered with her. After they were done with that, Levi took her hand that was on the table in his and began drawing soothing circles on her front palm.

“Do you remember when we first met?” It took a whole lot of will power not to look at Zane as Levi grabbed her hand. She could feel Zane’s eyes on them and just hoped he wasn’t going to cause a scene.

She smiled at Levi then nodded.

“Of course I do. Why were you trying to kill yourself?” The smile slipped off Levi’s face then he sighed.

“Let me just say that life is not as good to me as you would think and I was at a point of weakness but I don’t want to talk about that. You saved my life and I’m glad I got to meet such a special human being. Having you in my life has been one of the best things that has happened to me” Before she could say anything, Zane scoffed loudly making everyone’s eyes to turn to him.

reaction but Kiara knew

away from Zane back to

though you were very annoying to

rude to me. What were you doing in that area in the first place?” Her face suddenly turned solemn then she bowed

death anniversary that day” Levi immediately went silent and Kiara held Zane hold

She flashed him a small smile but the

and…. He was very little, hadn’t even properly formed yet. I didn’t even get to hear him cry. I’m sorry

her fist on her chest.

you okay?” She opened her eyes slowly as she

you okay, my love?” She

don’t want to see

want to make sure you’re okay” She closed her eyes as she slid down

She screamed then wrapped her arms around

begging you, let me in. Let me comfort you” She shook her

since she could smell his scent and as

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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