As soon as Levi walked into the household, he paused when he saw Liam staring at him.

“I heard you got in a fight with Zane and that you punched him really hard. I can see that he did a number on you too” Liam muttered as he walked closer to him.

“What the fuck? Are you having me followed now?” Levi uttered as he tried to feign a shocked and angered look. This had to be believable.

Zane had told him even though Liam wasn’t the brightest, he wasn’t a complete idiot.

“I needed to make sure I could trust you and that you weren’t working with Zane. At first when I was told you were with Zane, I thought you had been fooling me and had wanted to kill your brothers and father but then I heard you beat up Zane. May I guess it was over Kiara?” Levi pursed his lips.

“Of course it was. I just told him he should give up because there was no way on earth he was going to get her back from me since he’ll be dead soon but then he said she was never going to love me and that pissed me off” Levi almost applauded himself. What a good liar he was. It was a sad lie but it was still good.

Liam seemed to believe him as a smile appeared on his face.

“I’m sorry I doubted you. You really do seem to want Zane gone and I saw that you had the silver chains replaced with a simple rope on Kiara? Don’t do things like that without my permission” Levi stared at him for a while then he scoffed.

“Let’s get one thing straight, you don’t control me neither are you above me. You need my help and I need yours, therefore we are partners. I do whatever I want and you’d whatever you want but that doesn’t imply on Kiara. I’ll take care of her because she’s my price after this war” Liam stared at him for a while then smirked.

“You do know that I can kill you without even blinking right? I don’t need your help because I can kill Zane with just my bare hands” Levi shrugged.

was about to walk away

weapons that could be useful to me” Levi smirked then wiped it off his face

“Yes, why?”

made specifically to kill wolves?”

remember so I’m sure they can kill any wolf in an instance but there’s one catch, it’s made of silver

piece of shit” Levi tilted

my help or

want is Kiara, right?”

my brothers will be the only one allowed to watch over her. When this is over, I’ll take her with me and

left tied up. I don’t trust her”

what you want then fine but she’ll be given proper food from now on” Liam let out

Before Liam could let go, Levi’s grip on his

again. I might not be as strong as you but don’t ever underestimate me. I’m not the same Levi you know when I’m angry, remember that. Also, don’t have me followed

after him then clenched his fist. There was

always the quiet ones that

Liam grimaced as his hand flew to his chest. He fell to his knees and tried his best not to howl out in pain. His

to him and he knew it was because his body wasn’t strong

needed to get this war over with because

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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