Chapter 152

Levi’s father scoffed as he glared at Anastasia.

“That’s bullshit, there’s no way she wouldn’t want to see me. You all are trying to trick me, aren’t you?” He muttered angrily and was about to pull out another gun when he flew out of his pocket.

“Calm down, it’s not only because of you. Levi, she doesn’t want to see you too” Levi frowned.

“What? Why would she not want to see me?” Anastasia sighed.

“She’s just ashamed and feels so sorry but she won’t tell me why” Levi’s frown deepened. They were all silent for a while till Levi’s father spoke up.

“If you are really talking to her then tell her I really need to talk to her and I need to see her, please” Levi was shocked to hear that word come out of his father’s mouth but at that moment, he looked desperate.

“I would also like to talk to her and whatever she’s ashamed of or sorry for doesn’t matter. I want to see her” Levi murmured softly, earning a sigh from Anastasia.

She closed her eyes and began chanting again and after what felt like minutes, a figure appeared in front of Levi and his father and both of them sucked in their breath.

Levi stared at the figure with wide eyes as he suddenly forgot how to breathe.

“Mo…mother?” He uttered softly and he watched as her face softened.

“My little leafy” She murmured and he gasped as memories came rushing in. He remembered how she used to call him leafy when he was just a child. She looked exactly how she looked in his memory.

“You are all grown up now and I’m glad you grew up into this fine gentleman after the hell you went through with your father” Then he turned her angry eyes to glare at his father who’s eyes immediately widened.

Her once soft face had turned into one with pure fury.

“How could you treat our son like that, you monster?!” As soon as she screamed, the glass windows shattered into pieces, leaving them all in shock.

“Calm down, my love. I…”

“Don’t you fucking tell me to calm down and I’m not your love! You promised to care for our child and all you did was mistreat him! It’s a miracle that he didn’t turn out to be a monster Like you!” The ground began to rumble at her screams.

“Mother, calm down please. It’s okay and I’m okay” He muttered as he walked over to them so she could see him.

hope that one day, your father who I had entrusted you with would gain a little bit of sympathy and treat you like

reminded me of you a lot, my love and I was also afraid that he would take the mafia away from me, the only thing that I had that was from you and I guess I

and you’re saying the mafia was the only thing you had that was from me? I left a child with you, Francesco but I guess the child we made out of love didn’t matter to you but you treated the ones you had with other women better and then you’ll claim you loved me” His eyes widened as he

“My love that wasn’t…”

plead with him to not be mad at his mother. If I had known, I

I’m just really happy to see you but mother, we wanted to know if you have forgiven the

did you tell

at him then cussed him

saved by one. You see, most of my life I spent staying with my brother who was a wolf. He was your father, Zane” She uttered as she turned

that mean you’re a wolf, mother?” She turned to

with Zane’s father’s parents before she disappeared and I ended up growing up with Zane’s father. I don’t know how my mother knew about wolves but rest assured that I’m not a wolf. Anyway, growing up, my life was pretty great but I was raised with an iron fist. As a non wolf in the pack, I was picked on a lot and called numerous names but I didn’t let that stop me and

his father with

you didn’t tell me?” She

me to leave the pack because he wasn’t comfortable with me staying with wolves and at that time, I was already tired of staying at the pack so I moved away with him and things kind of escalated from there. The mafia grew up slowly and one night, I happened to kill

cure back then and it was a very painful experience. It was literally killing me from the inside but I tried to stay strong for you, Levi, for your father and for the mafia but after a while, I couldn’t take the pain anymore so I asked Zane’s father to take me out of my misery. Of course it was hard for him but he was the only one I would allow to kill me so he did and I guess that’s what your father saw and carried it in his heart hoping to take revenge for

“Ew!” They chorused…


as he

she wouldn’t want to see me. You all are trying to trick me, aren’t you?” He muttered angrily and was about to pull out another gun

you. Levi, she doesn’t want to see you too”

she not want to see

why” Levi’s frown deepened. They were all silent

her then tell her I really need to talk to her and I need to see her, please” Levi

to talk to her and whatever she’s ashamed of or sorry for doesn’t matter. I want to see her” Levi murmured

her eyes and began chanting again and after what felt like minutes, a figure appeared in front of Levi

at the figure with wide eyes as he

uttered softly and he watched as her face

as memories came rushing in. He remembered how she used to call him leafy when he was just a child. She

glad you grew up into this fine gentleman after the hell you went through with your father” Then he turned her angry eyes to glare at his father

face had turned into one with

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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