Right behind Levi were his brothers and his Mafia men, then some of Zane’s men. They all had their guns pointed at Liam who just smirked then dug his hand into his chest and brought out the bullet.

He glanced at it before turning to Levi.

“Do you really think a useless bullet like this is going to cause me any harm, Levi?” Levi cocked his gun.

“No but at least it’s going to cause you temporary pain” He muttered then fired another shot at Liam’s head but Liam was able to catch the bullet with a smirk on his face.

“Think again,” Levi smiled.

“You know, I expected that but while I was distracting you, Zane slipped through your fingers” Liam abruptly turned to where Zane had been laying on the ground and furrowed his eyebrows when he saw that Zane was still laying there. What was Levi playing at?

Just then, another bullet came flying towards him and this time, this bullet was faster and bigger and the pain that crawled into Liam’s body was impeccable.

Liam groaned as he held onto his arm before turning to Levi with a glare.

“You are dead meat” Before Liam could charge at Levi, Levi’s men came forward and blocked him out of Liam’s vision with their guns aimed at Liam.

Liam tilted his head then let out a laugh before snapping his fingers and his men immediately came running out of the shadows.

Zane furrowed his eyebrows when he saw Samantha standing in front of them with a sinister smile on her face. As if sensing his stare, she turned to Zane and smiled.

body before you died but with the way things are going, you might not get

in a lot of pain, the thought of thinking Kiara was

fuck did you do to her?!” Zane screamed as his eyes turned blood red and even though

bored of this” Liam muttered and immediately he said that, Levi’s men began shooting

was able to dodge everything as he ran towards Levi who immediately jumped out of Liam’s way before Liam could grab him and in

bullet bounced

muttered as he grabbed Levi by the neck and lifted him

just see how much your skull can take” He muttered then smashed Levi’s head against the tree behind them before throwing him away like

as his head began to ache badly. He could barely

to fight back but there was only so much his mortal body

Liam stalk towards Zane who tried his best to fight back and even managed to land some few blows on Liam but

his own blood helplessly with one of his eyes bruised

and his brothers who were desperately fighting to win but the odds were not in their favor. Despite the powerful weapon they had, they were fighting against wolves which were

eyes as he tried his best to get up. They couldn’t be defeated like this.

as Liam continuously kicked him hard in the guts while

huh? Fight me! Why are you lying there helplessly if you’re supposed to be the strongest wolf alive?!” Liam boomed then picked up Zane by the neck and

questioned then

“You bastard” Liam grinned.

hell that you were going to win me because you’re weak now. You had began to weaken since the day you met Kiara and you’re probably thinking about her now and that’s why you’re not fighting me as well as I want you to. Fight me, Zane! Let me feel worthy of taking your title” But Zane just

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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