Loving You In Secret

Loving You In Secret By Debbie Meza Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Vicky stood up immediately to greet Tyler. “Tyler.” 

Tyler paused. “Why are you here?” 

“Since you refused to answer my call, I can only come here to look for you,” Vicky answered. 

“Is there any problem?” he asked. 

Ready to speak, Vicky said, “It’s regarding Cece—” 

“I’m not going to do anything about that,” interjected Tyler indifferently, “and the same goes for you.” 

“But she’s innocent.” 

“There are many innocent people in this world. Do I need to care about every single one of them?” he replied rather harshly. 

Vicky was hurt by his indifferent attitude. “We’re now divorced yet, so I’m still your wife.” 

He did not understand what Vicky was trying to get at. “So?” 

She took a deep breath. “If you’re willing to help, I’ll agree to leave this marriage without taking anything and money.” 

“Leave this marriage without taking anything and money, you say?” His lips twisted into a disdainful smile. “Vicky Shaw, are you thinking of taking parts of my assets?” 

“According to the law, the assets of the husband and wife are to be divided equally during a divorce.” 

Tyler chuckled. His eyes were cold like the stream water as he said remotely, “We have a prenuptial agreement. It stated that you’re willing to leave this marriage without taking anything or money from the Hart family.” 

eyes widened in shock. ‘Did water get into my brain or something? Why did I sign such

and left her. She did not realize the only bargaining chip she had was screwed

lean man, she said loudly, “If you’re willing to help me, I’ll cooperate with

to cut off all means of retreat and shouted, “Don’t ever think about divorcing me. Your sweetheart will

he looked back and said

relatively substantial.

she felt like leaving

and mustered her courage

his deep, dark eyes. The stare lasted so long that their souls seemed to be sucked into each other’s eyes.

heart quivered in insecurity. She knew she already agreed to the divorce and that it was unethical for her to change her mind. Nonetheless,

she did, before she lost her memory. At this moment, she could not even remember most people, and the only person she knew that

he said, “Just

turned and left. If he was easily intimidated, then he would


by the time she got


the next few days, Tyler did not return home nor answered Vicky’s call. She tried all sorts of methods and still failed to bail out

and influential family, and regular folk could never save

to the hospital. This was the third day she came to the hospital, and she was hoping to talk with Missus Larson. However, she did not even get the chance to, let alone enter the ward where Hector was

close. Obviously, Missus Larson did not

up from unconsciousness. No matter what it took,

not dare to say anything after seeing Vicky, having learned their lesson. Vicky also did not plan on making it difficult for them. She

her high heels. Vicky

the same time, Sasha saw her sitting by herself on the sofa

against Vicky, but they did not dare to indulge in it. “Good day, Miss Young. This woman is here to see Mister Hart, but she doesn’t have an appointment. According to the rules, we’re not allowed to let her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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