Chapter 214

Designing costumes for a movie was a big order for Vicky and her studio.

Vicky asked, “What kind of costumes does Director Lumber want this time? n

Cece answered, “He’s working on a movie set in the Regency period. He needs a lot of design for the empire silhouette. He said if we’re interested, we can take our designs and go to Room 7001 in Neon Club so investors can have a look today at four in the evening. If the investors like them, there shouldn’t be any problem.”

Vicky was curious. “Investors? The investors are going to take a look at the design?”

Cece said, “Director Lumber did mention that this movie is a big production. The capital is said to be over a hundred and fifty million dollars. The production crews and list of actors and actresses taking part in it are top-tier ones, too. Even an experienced director like him can only be an assistant director. Thus, they had strict requirements for the props and costumes. We can’t just flash our relationship with Director Lumber and get hired.”

They lived in a harsh society where most of the time, a person would be buried if they had no chance to showcase their talent. It did not matter how talented or how good a person’s products were.

never requested Tyler for help in her business. That was why it took her so many years to finally open a studio of her own. A

did not have that sort of opportunity very often. Sometimes, it was not up to Director Lumber to

took part in the movie had someone they knew invested in the movie or the producer had a close relationship with some make-up artist or costume designer. Each of them

not picked because of their talents or their popularity; they were

was the same with

was going in a different way. It seemed


the opportunity, took the design sketches and the finished products and headed to Room 7001 in Neon Club. When

few people in the room. Several minutes later, Direct Lumber arrived. He approached Vicky and


was a middle-aged man around his forties to fifties, a little chubby and honest looking. Not to mention, he looked very kind

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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