Luna On The Run - I Stole The Alphas Son

Luna On The Run – I Stole The Alpha’s Sons Chapter 87

Alpha On The Hunt Chapter 12

“It’s fine. I am playing around. But if you want my scent, I am right here.” he smiles at me, showing all his pearly white teeth and I roll my eyes.

“If you’re here you might as well take advantage of the bond, El. I definitely won’t complain if you want to scent me.” he teases before chuckling. He pats his chest and I look at him, my eyes tracing over the tattoos that are on his left pec and shoulder.

“Don’t you dare!” Lexa growls at me, but what would it hurt, besides I know I would sleep better and I hardly sleep with the boys. One night couldn’t hurt, right?

“Are you trying to send us into heat?” Lexa growls angrily.

“I’m breastfeeding!” I tell her, annoyed at her dramatics, besides, he is our mate.

“We are too close. You are asking for trouble,” she warns, yet I purse my lips, fighting temptation, the bond yearning for its


“EI?” Axton laughs softly. “Come on, you know you want to.” he smiles, his eyes flickering to Khan and I feel the bond tug at Lexa who sighs giving in and as soon as she lets go of the restraint I didn’t realize she is holding in a death grip, I all but throw myself at him. It was like a someone a pulled back a slingshot and the moment she let go I was launched at him, very embarrassingly so.

Lexa was suppressing the bond until she let her control go of the control I didn’t


waist, pulling me back and tucking me closer. “Stop, I know it’ s the bond. You’re not the only one fighting it, El.” Axton murmurs before pulling my arm across his waist. I

not test my self-control too much,” Axton growls when I feel his lips press to my forehead. I yawn, his scent enveloping me

don’t like this. We shouldn’t be this close.” Lexa murmurs, yet I can feel she is relishing in his scent and the

and I feel my face fall slack as

how it should have been from the start,” Axton whispers

beaming through the slight gap in the heavy drapes wakes me. I groan, the light making my eyes flutter to find I am still laying on Axton. I sluggishly try

you, I warned you, but you never listen to reason.” Lexa huffs. I sit up, wondering what she

head off Axton’s chest. I admire his resting face, like this I could

every part of it, from his long lashes, lashes I wish I had. Down his straight nose to his full

opens his mouth, and his attitude ruins everything.”

had the best sleep.” I yawn, looking

before he notices I caused a puddle on his chest. I swipe my hand over it, only smearing it

my eyes scan the room to see a tissue box sitting on his desk. I carefully remove my leg from across his waist and slowly pull the blanket back. Axton stirs and I climb out of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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