Adina went to Xavier Corporation to insert the chip she developed into the company’s products. This way, the data in the chip could be inserted into the programmes of the products.

Adina and her children sat in the backseat of the car while waiting to arrive at their destination.

“Alden, play with your sister in the waiting room later. Once I’m done, we’ll go back home together, okay?”

Alden nodded. “I won’t let anyone hurt Mel, Mommy. Don’t worry. You can just go to work.”

“Good boy.”

Adina stroked his hair and kissed her daughter’s cheek.

The girl’s pretty face was soft, just like cotton candy. Adina could not resist pinching it.

“Mommy, why are you bullying Mel again?!” Alden quickly stopped her.

Adina felt a little guilty. “Well… Mel is just too cute, you know? I couldn’t resist…”

Suddenly, the car came to a screeching halt.

The three people in the backseat were all thrown forward.

There was a loud noise from the front of the car.

“I’m sorry, Miss Adina. I seem to have run into the car in front of us. I’ll go out and handle the situation,” the driver said apologetically and opened the door to get out.

Adina checked on her children. They were fine.

But suddenly, the usually unresponsive Mel suddenly grabbed the door handle and pushed the door open.

It opened by a crack.

road. You can’t open the door, okay?” Adina shut


again, Mel slipped from her hands and jumped out of

came out of the car they

imposing presence. His tall and lean figure was clad in a black

did not know him, but he could sense his powerful

even more imposing than Richard, the head

responsibility, Sir. You…” the driver said

face was as cold as

take him around, but today, his driver

tailgated him the moment he

be bothered to deal with this

speak, a small child in pink suddenly charged at him and crashed into his

immediately ruined Duke’s

neat freak

get away from the child, but the girl in pink followed him and even hugged

darkened. “Let

two words made chills crawl down everyone’s spines. They sounded like pure

driver was so scared that his heart nearly stopped beating. He quickly went over. “Miss

refused to let him touch her. She turned

so deep that she

where the child had come from, and she was

hand and grabbed the girl by

the stars in the night sky, while her hair was fluffy, which

at the sight

are you?” he

it was because his voice was cold and harsh, but the girl hunched

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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