Chapter 417 I am not qualified?

John believed that Queenie was pretending, but what she said next really shocked him.

John began to pretend and said, “I don’t know what you are talking about.

“Humph, my sister has told me everything.” said Queenie as she glanced at him coldly.

Sure enough. She knew.

In fact, she was jealous, and John knew that would happen only when she was jealous.

John felt something wrong would happen.

But he didn’t expect that it was Angela who said that.


Edward sighed in his heart.


Anyway, it would be harder for John to do that, and he had to face that.

“I won’t explain more, now that you know it.”

“You admit it?”

“Yes, I admit.”

John nodded and didn’t explain, after all, he and Angela had done that even though the process was usual.

He would never let her down.

“Humph! It was impossible for you to hide me.”

proud look on her beautiful face, Queenie continued, “So, I will not make things harder,


eyes widened because he couldn’t believe what Queenie said at all.

she lose

proper since we

John swallowed.


follow, even though John had realized

it was too

No, no, No.

happen between two of them even though

To his surprise.

John refused, Queenie asked coldly, “why? Am I not qualified?”

but beautiful face as she twisted the ear of John and repeated, “Answer me loudly! Am I not qualified?”

John was scared.

not to refuse this aggressive Queenie, so he said, “of course you are, and I am willing to help you at

heart, he himself was the one not qualified.

don’t force me to do

set him free with satisfaction.

could you talk about elegance since you have asked me to do that with you. I am sure you will be punished

Just in case.

the opinion of my wife?”

sister, and she could not refuse me at all! She dare not to

really amazing!

Really, really amazing!

John could do was

caring about the real

flatter, “Then… My big wife?”


and said angrily, “I am serious! Don’t play with me!”


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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