Chapter 494 He must marry you

Faith was too excited to say anything more.

She had always wanted her daughter to get along well with John. It was worth it even if she sacrificed her appearance.

Since Violet hadn’t made any breakthrough for such a long time, Faith must be very disappointed.

However, God made fools of people.

Who would have thought that not only did Faith find her little daughter who had been missing for many years, but also the man she had been thinking about making friends with was her little daughter’s brother.

What was this?

That was to say fancy finding by sheer luck what one has searched for far and wide.

How could she let go of such a good opportunity!

Anyway, the two of them were both her daughters. It was the same who had a good relationship with John.

If John was greedy.

It was not a big deal to give both of the two to him.

If John was greedier.

She thought, ‘why don’t you try on me? Anyway, my face and figure are well maintained, and I have a more mature charm than ordinary girls…



Faith quickly put an end to her evil thoughts.

It was too advanced.

She was a woman of integrity.

How could she betray her husband?

Faith immediately corrected it.

there was one thing for sure. Her youngest daughter, Kate, was very likely to develop the

more likely than Violet.

to talk about John’s good points. How could


expression on Faith’s face made the two of them

What happened?

particularly protective of John, as if he was her

beauties were

came to her senses and asked, “Mom, are you familiar with John?”

there was a little intersection between us.”



you so protective of him?’

Kate didn’t believe it.

very much at the first sight of him. I can see that he is a good

impossible for her to say that she said that

should show how greedy


lied without thinking.

mother was so shameless.

I just want to tell you that John is a good boy. You should cherish him.”

cry. She explained, “I know. I was just kidding. John loves

who loved you

finally came to her senses.

for the bald man, who else can it be? He not only loves me, but also my other sisters.

at Queenie with an


Queenie was speechless.

make such a joke in front of

the evil girl still didn’t know what to do.

and explained awkwardly, “Auntie, those were just some jokes we played when we were children.


and snapped, “Don’t take it seriously? How can I not take it

she was really

to let their daughter serve a husband with another

never be such parents in the world!

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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