Chapter 499 Making a fuss

This girl had a good figure, a good-looking face and a charming temperament. She was the kind of woman who could make people feel soft at a glance

Her charm was so natural that it could be seen in her every move


No matter how beautiful your face is, no matter how attractive your figure is, and no matter how your temperament is, you can’t be disrespectful to Master of Clouds!

Is it acceptable that you can do whatever you want just because you are good-looking?

As a matter of fact, it is acceptable!

The man with short spiky hair was fairly dissatisfied when he heard Alice’s disrespectful words

He was on the verge of bursting into anger.

However, when he looked at Alice, he was stunned. Then he made a smile and said, “Miss, probably you are not a fan of the calligraphy and painting, and you don’t know much about Master of Clouds…”

“I don’t know much about Master of Clouds? Are you kidding me? I don’t believe there is someone else in the

world who knows Master of Clouds better than me!”

Before the boy with short spiky hair could finish his words, he was interrupted by Alice.

The slovenly man sitting in the middle of the painting stall raised his head, with a gleam of passion in his

eyes. He said, “Miss, I think you are hinting at me something.”

Now he was the Master of Clouds.

This beauty said that no one else in the world knew more about the Master of Clouds than she did. The

underlying meaning was that she wanted to know more about the Master of Clouds?

It was normal for a girl to have a forked tongue in her words.

The slovenly man seemed to have known why the beauty said that just now. It was obvious that she wanted

to attract his attention!

all, the halo of the Master of Clouds was not

That was good.

It’s not a big deal to

slovenly man

shoes and said angrily, “What do you

help swearing when she lost her temper.

turned pale with fright

that she dared to kick Master of Clouds on

cold light flashed through the

he not see that this woman was here to make trouble?

slovenly man waved his hand and said, “It doesn’t matter.

the shoe heel print on

pleased in her heart.

beauties were beautiful. They were pleasant to the eye even

on the head by a pretty woman. Why is


looked fierce, she didn’t kick

attention. Otherwise, why doesn’t

refining cultivator. She was afraid that she would kick his head


That was unacceptable.

going to stop watching the show, John?” Alice suddenly


smiled awkwardly and walked over

Alice is so ruthless.

I like her. It seems that I have to prepare a whip at home. When she is angry at any time in the future, I can let her vent

it’s really a good

John assured himself.

leisurely to the painting of the Eagle Rest on the Tree, looked at it

‘form’, it’s not difficult to achieve it through repeated and exquisite carving.

full hour to finish

paused several

a result, although the ‘form’ of the final product was achieved, it


all. This slovenly man was actually a little

as John finished his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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