Chapter 501 Eagle Rests on the Tree

John finished drawing.

The smooth lines took shape. Eagles and branches stood vividly revealed on the paper from top to bottom,

from left to right.

All the paintings of Master of Clouds, who was also John, shared a common characteristic, they were painted in a simple form. It usually only took a few strokes to draw an eagle.

The same went for the lower branches.

With only a few strokes, he outlined the most profound artistic conception.

In the beginning, John thought staying in the mountain boring, so he drew some things as he wanted.

It was like someone would scribble on the draft paper with a pencil when he was irritable while studying. He didn’t need to think about it at all, so he scribbled very fast.

However, John was on a higher level. He didn’t draw chaotic lines but some shapes.

After some marketing by the old monk, others thought these simple outlines represented an artistic conception.

John didn’t even know he was so capable.

It didn’t take two minutes at all.

John didn’t pause during his drawing. All the lines were drawn in one go and then assembled into a perfect painting.

The third version of Eagle Rests on the Tree was finished.

Rests on the Tree were similar in outline but

it was different every time.

matter how the lines changed, a perceptive would know it was Eagle Rests on the Tree and definitely painted by Master of

around was completely

didn’t even realize what was

thinking he was out of his mind. But in the next second, they opened

was a dead

reason was that they were too shocked to say a word.

thought drawing Eagle Rests on the Tree in ten minutes was just a dream, but John did

it took him less than two minutes to

man, was the Eagle Rests on the Tree painted by the

Rests on the Tree, in terms of graphic structure, was more authentic and similar to the second version of Eagle Rests

all, the sloppy man spent a lot of time copying it out. He couldn’t make it smooth and flow, so he paid more attention to

most importantly, Master of Clouds’s works had never been based on form

comparison, everyone felt the sloppy man’s drawing was already very artistic. But under

was like a good-looking woman walking on

by that good-looking woman, undoubtedly. everyone

at that good-looking woman, they would feel she was less

was a brutal comparison.

young man who they had ridiculed for a long time was the Master

he dared to stand up and question it. When the real

an outfit to cover himself tightly because he wanted to keep a low

was Master of

moment, everyone dared to be sure John was

was just too obvious.

his messy hair back and stared

the Tree to such an extent because he had studied the paintings of Master of Clouds, and he was also a fan of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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