Chapter 506 Help

Alice could be sure it wasn’t John who pulled her clothes.

If John touched her, he wouldn’t just pull her clothes but would put his hand on her butt.

Just when Alice was about to kick, a girl’s voice suddenly sounded from behind with somewhat anxiety.

“Help me!”


Alice frowned in surprise.

She looked back.

It was a girl, about 12 or 13 years old, who was pulling her clothes. Her eyes were red and swollen, and she must have just cried.

John also saw the little girl.

He rested his eyes on the left side of her round neck and saw something red on the exposed white shoulder.

It was not blood.

It should be something like a birthmark.

“Little girl, is something wrong…”

When Alice bent down and was about to ask what had happened, the little girl looked back in a panic and fled before she could say anything.

Not long after the little girl ran away, a man in black chased after her.

When passing by John and Alice, the man in black gave Alice a hard look as if warning them not to meddle in his business.

Alice frowned even deeper.

“I can feel the cultivator’s vital breath from that man. He should be a cultivator.”

have a

“A strange feeling?”

said, “You mean the man in black is from the Ghost Tribe?”

the Spiritual Fox Clan. Once she had a


shook her head and said, “It’s different from the vital

were deeply furrowed.

little girl had a stronger vital

the girl have a stronger vital

also frowned suddenly.

The little girl must have encountered some danger, so she asked us for help.”


John nodded.

black didn’t go too

up and followed quietly.

following for a while, they found the man in black entered a barren garden with overgrown weeds.

man in black slowed

around with sharp eyes, probably looking for

man turned

found nothing.

stopped, closed his eyes, and concentrated, a faint red light appearing between his brows.

bastard. Don’t you

opened his eyes suddenly and jumped up from

barren garden, the girl curled up. When she felt the man’s vital breath approaching,


got up and was about to escape. But she tripped over a pit and fell to the ground again.

going back with

in black sneered, swooped down, and reached his giant claws, ready to catch the

that she

a beautiful figure suddenly passed over. A woman picked up

afraid. We won’t let anyone hurt

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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