Chapter 510 Totem Family

After the phantom of the blood wolf summoned by Milo disappeared, the mark on the girl’s left shoulder stopped emitting light. The burning sensation on her skin gradually subsided, which meant the symptoms were related to the bloody wolf

John kept Milo alive momentarily and asked indifferently. “You named Milo Wodehouse, right? Can you tell me what’s going on now?”

“Haha. Oracle King, do you think that little bastard will be safe and sound after defeating me? You are too naive. Lord Sirius will never let her go… Cough…..”

Milo laughed while spitting out blood.

His body was extremely weak. If it wasn’t for John, he would have lost all energy and passed away long ago.

Seeing that Milo was so arrogant then, John couldn’t help frowning.


John stomped down and broke one of Milo’s legs.

Milo screamed at first, but then his face showed a ferocious and unyielding sneer as if he was always

unwilling no matter how much John abused him.

“You have the strength of character. But I can destroy it.”

John shook his head, got a few needles in his hand, and pierced the acupoints on Milo’s body one after another.

It was the reverse version of the Nine Restoring Yang Needles.

Although Milo was a cultivator, now that his vital energy had been sealed, he was not much different from ordinary people.

When the needles were pierced one by one, Milo burst into screams.

But Milo was still enduring.

He clenched his teeth, and his veins protruded.

Milo was in a cold sweat.


still enduring.

was stronger than ordinary people

idea, and a strange smile appeared

all ten needles.


the index finger of John’s right

with fear, “This is the

never seen such a strange scene before

creature born between heaven and earth, and it already had wisdom, and

the vital energy of a cultivator may be burnt out when encountering the spiritual fire.

King could use his fingers

was too

had never heard of

said, “I told you what you know is not my real

swiped it over ten centimeters above the spiritual fire. The needle became hot and red in an

well controlled, it might melt the needle

at the needle, nodded in satisfaction, and then

trembled. “What… What do you want

temperature of the needle, it was also stained with the vital breath of the spiritual fire This needle made

mercilessly pushed Milo back.


Nine Restoring Yang Needles, the current needle

previous ten needles.

as a cultivator very strong? How

up the second needle and passed it over the spiritual

inserted the needle into Milo’s acupoint.

and he desperately mobilized vital energy in his

the Foundation Establishment Stage was not as powerful as the self-destruction of Gold Core,

wanted to commit

miserable now that he wished

it was a

energy had long been sealed. How could

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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