Man, what's wrong with you?

Chapter 6 It Was Over

Sherry took a deep breath, gazing down at the document in her hands. It wasn't the first time she had seen this divorce agreement.

Jeremy had given this to her a year ago. But she was stubborn and determined to stay in this marriage, so she refused to sign it. Without her signature, the agreement could not be implemented.

However, she thought with a pang that she had been hurt more than once by this agreement over the past year.

Jeremy was truly a gentleman, and anyone who had just met him would describe him as a perfectly kind, nice person. However, he was also a businessman. His rivals knew the core of steel beneath the pleasant facade. He was seldom sharp or cruel but he was more than capable of being ruthless with his competitors.

Patience was one of his many virtues.

He knew how to bide his time and wait for the right chance to strike. Sherry thought unhappily that he had done just that with her and this divorce agreement.

She held the document so tightly that she crumpled the edges. Tears rose in her eyes. Taking a deep breath, she smoothed out the divorce agreement, laid it on the desk, and picked up the pen. She hesitated a moment longer. Finally, she touched the tip of the pen to the paper and signed her name.

She gulped back her sobs as she tugged open the drawer and slipped the divorce agreement back inside.

She had fought so hard to maintain this marriage, but she couldn't do it alone. It was finally over.

The second day.

The early morning sun was shining over the villa when Jeremy returned, as though nothing had happened.

Sherry saw him enter. There was no surprise in her eyes. Carefully she set down the plate of breakfast that she had been holding when he walked through the door. There was a stain of lipstick on his collar, but her gaze passed over it without any discernible emotion.

"Oh, you're back.

to fetch another plate and set of utensils. Jeremy watched her. She was behaving more

at the change. He felt something stir inside him, but he quickly tamped it down. "Go ahead and eat. No need to

look at the breakfast laid out on

he came back to the dining

her, as though she

front door, and she asked, "Won't you be having breakfast?" She consciously

put on his shoes. "Not now. Just enjoy your


he glanced at her with a cold and superior air, and opened the door to


front door. He was silent. Sherry

here longer. He looked down at her fumbling fingers and thought that his tie

a few seconds, neither of them spoke. The only sound was the brush

nails, and soft skin. No matter how much housework she did, she

them. Jeremy was not immune to it. He gazed down at her bent head and raised one

touch her, she stepped back, moving out of his reach. "That looks better. By the way, remember, your birthday is coming up. Let me know how you want to

felt a strange uneasiness gnawing

party so that she could surprise

seemed to dodge his touch

play the part of Mrs. Ou!" His eyes were cold, and

that somehow, his control over her was slipping

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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