Chapter 31

Chapter 31 On the other hand, Zachary spoke to Mr. Lewis on behalf of Liberty and probably put in the good word for her too, so Mr. Lewis knocked a few thousand dollars off.

Of course, nine thousand bucks were a great deal of money to Liberty now. It would serve as a painful lesson to keep her eyes peeled on the street and stay away from luxury sedans!

“Is your husband coming back soon?” asked Liberty.

“Yeah. He‘ll be back tomorrow.”

“Great. My husband and I will be there ahead of time. Are you cooking? I‘ll help out.”

Having lived independently with her sister for many years, Liberty had so much on the ball from her career, and social life, to domestic life. Now that she was held down by a child and without an income, her husband pressured her to become a housewife.

The sisters exchanged small talk on the phone before ending the call.

“Mr. York, do you work late every day?”


almost the weekend that Nana and your parents will

need to spruce up the place. I‘m thinking of looking at furniture in the next few days

Zachary went quiet.

was hard to find time in his busy schedule to shop


Zachary replied, “Alright. You‘re the lady of the house. You

no time to spare for every single trivial matter of the

won‘t be coming in for work today. I‘ll get the stuff.”

sort out their home.

was without a word.

he returned to his

did not take long before he emerged from his room

brown and

the wheel of his undercover

of the


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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