Chapter 10

Serenity went to her sister’s place.

She opened the door and went inside the house to find her sister was already up. Liberty was busy in the kitchen.


“Seren, you’re here.”

Liberty came out of the kitchen and was happy to see her little sister. “Have you eaten? I’m making a pot of pasta. Do you want a plate?”

“I’m good. I had breakfast. Have you started cooking? You don’t have to if you haven’t because I brought you and Sonny breakfast.”

“Not yet. Sonny had a fever last night. I didn’t sleep much the whole night, so I got up late. Your brother-in-law had to get breakfast from the shop. He wasn’t happy about it. He accused me of doing nothing all day and I could’ve made him breakfast since all I did was look after a child.”

Liberty was hurt.

Serenity was furious for her sake. “Why did Sonny have a fever? You should take him to see a doctor later even if the fever’s gone in case it comes back. Seriously. I can’t believe your husband didn’t bother to help and even yelled at you when your child was sick.

insisting on going Dutch after I moved out, Liberty?”

unwrapped the food. She dug in and said, “I’ll take Sonny later. He’s still insisting on splitting the expenses. He said that all I do is spend money rather than earn my keep. He mentioned that I have no idea the pressure he’s under.

stop poking her face into our affairs after she got married. My husband used

her way up to the financial chief position. She was paid handsomely. Liberty gave up a lot for love

with Serenity’s money. The shopping only came once in a while, and

would kick up a fuss about Liberty’s spending whenever she bought new clothes and cosmetics. Even if Liberty explained that it was with Serenity’s money, her in-laws would argue

don’t you send Sonny to a kindergarten? You can pick up your

for her

living under the same roof with her sister and family, Serenity would take on all the housework to help her sister out. Now that she

enrolling him in a kindergarten.” Liberty was interested to return to

Liberty like cr*p, and it was only getting worse. Serenity had to ask, “Do you think

know how much he’s making. He doesn’t have extra

rude to you. You must think about your future. Don’t be a misunderstood stay-at-home mom without an income.”

Seren. I’ll be okay. How are you doing? When is your husband coming

be busy since he’s working in a

home in detail. She was able to relax once she was sure

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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