Married At First Sight By Gu Lingfei

Married At First Sight By Gu Lingfei Chapter 419

Chapter 419

Back in Serenity’s room, Serenity was unpacking for Grandma May. The old lady even brought along her mug for drinking water.

“Did something happen, Nana? Why did you move out of your place?”

“Sigh. Let’s not go there. My children and grandchildren put me under stress. It’s a thankless job just worrying about them. I’m going to leave them alone and stay with you for a while. At least, they’ll be out of my hair.”

Serenity put away Grandma May’s things before going into the bathroom to draw her a bath.” Nana, I ran the bath for you. You can have a nice hot bath.”

“Okay.” The old lady quickly grabbed a set of pajamas and went into the bathroom. “That’s why I want a daughter or granddaughter. Girls are so thoughtful. See, Zachary didn’t even show me any concern since I arrived at the house. Seren, you always have my best interest at heart.”

Serenity replied with a smile, “Nana, you told me Zachary was attentive and caring when you first fixed us up. Your kids and grandchildren need to live their own lives. You can’t baby them forever. You should be enjoying your retired life and stop worrying so much about them.”

The way she saw it, Grandma May’s sons and daughters–in–law were most dutiful.

“I want to, but I can’t. Did I mention Zack is caring and attentive? Did you feel that from him? Was I right?”

Serenity grinned without saying a word.

and attentive to the people he

was not just Zachary, but everyone else too. People tended to have their loved ones‘

into Serenity’s bed after taking

emerged from the bathroom, Grandma May was deep in

The only thing was…

lady was snoring pretty

Serenity was speechless.

drunk. Otherwise, Serenity would be tossing

out a sigh, Serenity accepted her fate and climbed into bed to lie

Not only was Grandma May snoring, but she also hogged the duvet. She rolled away along with most of her duvet

a small corner

in her ears, Serenity tried to stuff

Chapter 410

over ten minutes, Serenity gave up and slid off the bed with her pillow. Despite her intentions to bring the duvet along, Serenity could not pull the layered bundle from under Grandma May. Since the mornings and nights were getting chilly, it was easy to catch a

the finger at Serenity if she let Nana catch a cold on her first night. here. Plus, Serenity would not be able

grab a thick coat from

was pitch dark

Serenity went to Mrs. Lane’s room and knocked on the door.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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