Evan tilted his head to glance at Bianca, then continued driving attentively.

He laughed and said, “In the past, thieves robbed the rich to give to the poor, but now stealing is against the law. If you are caught, it is considered theft, and you will go to jail. It was illegal before, but it was chaotic before, so we couldn’t catch them.

There are surveillance cameras everywhere now. If the police want to catch you, they will find a way to catch you. You are so young and beautiful; it would be better if you didn’t take over the job of the thief senior.”

Bianca smiled and said, “I was just talking like that. I won’t really do anything illegal. My master and his friends also said that things are different now than they were in the past. They taught us to obey the law and not commit mrder, arsn, or other cr!mes.”

Evan said, “Your master and his friends are still worthy of respect.”

Bianca said, “When a few old men get together, there’s nothing good to do. They keep urging me to get married, but I don’t see them finding me a mistress. If they could just find me a mistress, I’d be happy to get married right away.”

Evan: “Living alone, free and easy, requires us young people to walk into the grave of love.”

When it comes to urging marriage, Evan has something to say. He also complained to Bianca that the elders in his family would nag him from time to time.

soon, right? I heard that the fifth and sixth young masters have chosen wives, but you don’t have any yet? Over you? Or, you are just a picked-up child, not a biological child of the York family, and your grandma is partial

am her biological son of the York family, absolutely her biological son. My grandmother also picked a person


“Not bad, very good, very good. I don’t

beautiful eyes sparkled. “Then this is fine; there is something to talk about; she is not annoying; she is excellent; and she is

still couldn’t fall in love with her. I felt that we could only be friends, but she didn’t want to be friends with me. Either we were husband and wife, or

“If you can’t develop feelings for her, then don’t waste her time. Feelings can’t be forced. You’re kind enough to just say it directly if you don’t love her and not drag it out

who clearly don’t love but still drag it out until they find the right person and then come back to break up with the person, If they can’t find

love you, I don’t love you. I can’t force myself. I can only

with Abby, he might have

his heart was

had became

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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