Married at First Sight

Married At First Sight By Gu Lingfei Chapter 271

Chapter 271 Jessica said, “It takes both husband and wife to have a child. You‘re not wrong to only pay for your half.”

Of course, Hank felt that he was above any fault.

He took a sip of wine and replied, “The Wiltspoon Hotel lives up to its name as the finest hotel. The red wine here is more exceptional than what we usually have.”

Jessica responded with a smile, “Well, considering the event, I wouldn‘t expect any less. It‘s a pity that only small–time CEOs and elites of our field are here. Major CEOs like Mr. Stone and Mr. York aren‘t attending.”

She would love to check out an influential man like Mr. York again.

Jessica stumbled upon the man of the hour the last time. Alas, she could not get a look at Mr. York‘s face. She wondered if Mr. York was as distinguished, aloof, and handsome as described in the rumors.

chance to meet people like Mr.

a situation he found regrettable, more so than Jessica, as he was

a better opportunity, perhaps even work at York Corporation. “Hank, I hope you can be a big CEO someday too.” Jessica dreamed about

the wife

my own boss

for a bit before saying hello to acquaintances in the

by Hank‘s side, chiming in occasionally when

to others if the latter were here tonight. Liberty would be a

no longer keep up with the times. Even if Liberty were to attend the social event with Hank, she would not be able to

years were enough to change many people and things in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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