Married at First Sight

Married At First Sight By Gu Lingfei Chapter 240

Chapter 240

“Sure, let’s call them.” Stuart also felt that it was better to have more people on their side and agreed with David to call his son and nephew.

Unexpectedly, when David called his eldest nephew, Mike, he received news from Mike instead.

“Uncle David, I was just about to call you.

Something happened to Noah.” David’s face turned ashen, and he quickly asked, “What happened to Noah? He said he went to ask Serenity for money.

Did she beat him up? If that damned girl dares to touch a single hair on my boy, I’ll end her! I’ll go back and dig up her mother’s grave!” Serenity’s father was David’s third brother, so David would not dig up his grave.

However, his third sister-in-law was not related to him by blood.

Since Serenity angered him, he would dig up his third sister-in-law’s grave for real.

“Noah brought a few punks to intercept Serenity’s car in the middle of the night.

They also brought iron bars and wanted to smash her car, but she fought back.

The punks and Noah are being detained now.

just got the news too.” “He’s detained? It’s just a conflict between


on Noah? Mike, can you bail Noah out? He’s still

He’s just a child.

David thought that his niece had called the cops to arrest

was | worried that his son would be frightened and thought of : husband, Serenity?” Serenity said honestly, “I’ve only given him a few sets of

not know if he even wore the

seen him wear the

that his wife had these thoughts, he

wearing the new clothes and

who saw him that day recognized that he was

only the gossipy Josh knew the truth while the others did

they could tell that

had no inkling for the

not wear the clothes she gave

send him clothes for now since he won’t accept

know what

tailored by senior designers.” The clothing designer responsible for Zachary's

a lot of money trying to pry open

on Zachary for many years, but she still did hundreds of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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