I panicked. How could I have fallen asleep when Lucian was ill? I quickly placed my hand on Lucian forehead who was still sleeping. No fever. What had made him so ill last night? He seemed fine just before we kissed.

The kiss.

His hand on my back, around my waist, in my hair, pressing body to his, the heat, the tingling sensation. I brought my hand up to my lips. His lips had been so soft yet so firm, moving against mine till I was breathless. He tasted like spices; hot burning your tongue, yet you came back for more. More... Yes, I wanted more.

I had been willing to give myself to him last night, but slowly his kiss had become sloppy. His arms trembled before his entire body shook. Fear showed in his beautiful eyes, struggle on his face and sweat beads on his forehead. I had seen him like that once before, when we were in the woods, when our lips had touched. Something told me it had to do with the kiss, but why?

Someone knocked on the door. Who could it be this early in the morning? Lucian swung his legs down from the bed startling me and stalked to the door as if hadn't been sleeping just now. Sometimes he was really strange. He opened the door and then I only heard whispering sounds before he closed it.

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"I need to go" he said, picking up his jacket from the bed and putting it on.

"Where?" I asked, worried.

"I will be back," he said as he left, ignoring my question. What happened that made him so stressed? Was it the bloodthirsty King, or did his father die? Unable to suppress my worry, I quickly got dressed and went looking for him.

crystal blue, the sun casting its golden rays on the beautiful

men sat in the garden eating their breakfast at a large table.

greeted, standing up and bowing in unison when they took

traveling along the table looking for Lincoln. He was

someone, my lady?"

"Where is Lucian?"

Highness went to meet the king," he said. So it was the bloodthirsty king.

looked at each other with shock and confusion before they started moving around quickly, trying to

children waiting for their teacher to give them a lecture. I could see that I was making

your names?" I suggested. I only recognized Oliver and Ky as the one that imitated me slapping

themselves. The soldier to my left

the rest went on introducing themselves: Chad, Declan, Anum, Claus, Danilo and I forgot the rest because they were too many. It didn't matter because I wasn't here

them asked. I think it was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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