Lucian watched as the blonde woman undressed seductively, waiting to get a reaction from him, but when she got nothing...

"Don't be shy. Maybe... you would like to undress me?" she said as she stalked toward him while eyeing him up and down. "Or maybe I should undress you first" she continued as she tugged at his robe.

He grabbed her arm harshly and gave her a hard glare. Why didn't he like the fact that this woman was trying to undress him when he came here willingly?

"Oh... so you want to do it with clothes on? I get it. Everyone has their own preference." she smiled, trying to lighten his mood.

He let go of her arm and as soon as he did she slid her arm around his neck and pulled him down, pressing her lips to his. She kissed him hungrily, and he kissed her back, but he felt nothing. Why? He pushed her body closer, trying to feel something but nothing. She didn't taste as sweet as Hazel, didn't smell like her, didn't feel like her. She didn't make his heart beat as fast, or his body burn as hot as Hazel did, and his demon was as silent as the dead.

He was getting frustrated. Why wasn't his body reacting? He ripped her clothes off and pushed her down on the bed. She gasped but seemed satisfied thinking she made him go wild when it was the opposite. Maybe seeing her naked would make him excited, but it didn't. He tried to touch her and kiss her once more, but nothing. This wasn't working.

He was here to feed his demon, but his demon wasn't a bit hungry. Getting up, he grabbed the sheets and covered her body. She stared at him, confused. Then turning around, he stalked toward the door as it was useless to try. No one could make him feel as Hazel did.

"Where are you going?" she called behind him. Ignoring her, he opened the door and walked out.

He walked through the halls confused. What did Hazel do to him that made it impossible for him to desire other women? He used to enjoy his women before his marriage. Now he couldn't even go back to his room because Hazel would be there and having her in the same room without touching her would be difficult.

"You don't need to follow me."

Lincoln who had been following him silently appeared from the shadows.

it's for your own safety." He

came here. Apparently,

eye on

protection." Of course, Lincoln always had everything in

He knew Lincoln cared for his safety too much to leave him alone. He remembered the first

the rest of his men feared him at first, Lincoln never showed any kind

he never reacted when Lucian behaved differently. Sometimes Lucian wondered what Lincoln really


"Yes, Your Highness."


doesn't matter to me, Your

said, "and I

No doubt. Lincoln

concern. "I don't like that we can't have our weapons. We can't protect ourselves." Lucian had the urge to

have no reason to harm us," and if they

heard the clinking sound of swords. He went out to the cold night breeze and found Astrid and Klara fighting in the middle of the

a lot from Klaras attacks but ones she attacked she never missed.That was both her strength

was the type to attack. She swung with her sword continuously aiming at different places. On top of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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