We were riding fast through the woods after leaving father disappointed for failing in his mission to make me stay. "Are you sure you want to come with me?" Lucian had asked. "Your life will be in danger." I had decided that I would rather live in danger than live like a dead person, but that wasn't the main reason I didn't want to stay. I didn't want to stay because I wanted to be with Lucian.

"Feeling alright?" Lucian asked after slowing down.

"Yes, I am fine. I think I am getting used to it" I said, slightly exhilarated. "Where are we going?"

"To Gatrish" he replied. Gatrish, a kingdom known for its wars, slavery and prostitution. Their king was a cruel king with a thirst for blood and appetite for women. It is said that he takes a new wife and a new concubine everyday and that liquor, parties and sex are a part of his daily life and everyone else's living in the kingdom.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to go there?" I asked.

"I know their king. He is the only one who might agree to help," he explained. I could still not get over the fact that he would kill his brothers, even though it was a common thing for princes. I know if he doesn't kill them they would probably kill him: I just wished there would be another way to solve this problem.

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I imagine that asking the King of Gatrish for help would just make things worse, even though I didn't know him personally.

we continued riding for the rest of the night. I wondered how Lucian could stay awake. I would fall asleep and

sun shone brightly, the breeze warmer than last night blew Lucians soft hair into my face. I pulled my hand away from Lucian's waist and to remove his hair from my face, but had the sudden impulse to smell

morning wife" he greeted and I quickly

rode slowly. The soldiers chatted and laughed as they

big metal gate with a guard on each side. Lincoln jumped down from his horse and went up to one of the guards. They spoke a few words and then the two guards opened the gate for us to enter. As we entered, I swallowed the lump in my

my hand on Lucian's arm before entering, giving

opening the door to a room that seemed to be a room

dressed casually stood in the middle of the room, a smile plastered on his face as he walked closer

imagined the king to be a short, ugly bald man over his thirties with dirty teeth. Why? I don't know. Maybe because of his reputation, but this man was tall and seemed to be in his mid-twenties. His dirty blonde shoulder-length hair perfectly matched his sun-kissed skin. If it wasn't for the scar on his face that stretched from his left eyebrow to his right eye, people

"I thought we had dropped the formalities." He tipped his head to one side as he noticed me standing next to Lucian and studied me with his piercing

he walked closer. He

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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