Chapter 009 Negotiate with Charlie

Charlie landed his gaze on Theresa and said, “Dr. Cameron, I’m listening.”

Theresa’s treatment recovered consciousness for his legs, and he was being polite to her. Theresa said, “Please forgive the Camerons. My father is getting aged and the Cameron’s company is the fruit of his whole life’s labor. Please show mercy.”

Charlie cast a glance at Jonathan and then at Theresa. He was almost confused.

“Your father?” Jonathan explained, “Dr. Cameron is Mr. Cameron’s daughter, and… Sarah’s sister.”

“Is that so?” Charlie looked at Theresa surprisingly, “You don’t look like her.”

Charlie didn’t really like Sarah. He accepted the marriage because it was his grandfather’s wish. He had been close to his grandfather since his boyhood. Grandfather arranged the marriage together with grandfather’s comrade-in-arms. As it was grandfather’s wish, Charlie didn’t refuse.

marriage without love. He thought that he could tolerate it. However, after the car accident, Sarah should run away, which made him the butt of joke to the whole city. More than that, Grandfather fell ill because of her running away, and he was still in hospital. He couldn’t bear the harm Sarah caused to Grandfather. Theresa said,

Charlie produced a mocking smile. Although he was polite to

want to get Sarah, I will also find a way to find her and bring her to you.” Charlie darkened his face when

Sarah to me. If you will, it wouldn’t have taken this long.” He was angry because the Cameron refused to bring Sarah to the surface. He kept grandfather’s promise and made Sarah

explained, “Sarah is not a Cameron. She was with her mother when her mother married into the Cameron. What she did has nothing to do with Cameron.” “Oh.” Charlie sneered, “You Cameron said that she is one when we were engaging. And now that I become a cripple, you are telling me that she is not a Cameron! Do I look like an idiot

acupuncture and cure your legs?” “Yes.” Charlie didn’t deny, “Under no circumstance will you make me change my mind. I am quite a vengeful person.

his opinion. She didn’t expect Charlie to

world, you might be unable to count on your spouse, let alone fiancée?” Speaking of which, she thought of Jimmy, who she didn’t see through until dating him for three years and being his wife for another three years… And her failure to see Jimmy’s true color early enough resulted in her current miserable fate. And Charlie, who was powerful enough to do anything

she spoke, tears welled up in her eyes. The past was like a thorn stuck in his heart. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t get rid of it. She trusted that man, but he made her suffer so much and made her lose

he could feel the pain exuded from her eyes. Theresa continued, “Since Mr. Calsis refuse to spare the Cameron, then you will have to excuse me

Mr. Calsis, I could not accept to treat a man who would break my family and make my

turned her to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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