Marry Ex's Uncle After Divorcement

Marry Ex’s Uncle After Divorcement By Jacqueline Chapter 111

Chapter 111

“Don’t you like it here? It’s so big. Don’t you want to see dad? Theresa comforted the two little ones and suddenly thought

that they had never seen their father. If they saw him now, they would be happy. She wanted to go with the kids. But she

suddenly wanted them to see Charlie before they left.

“I don’t like here. This elder sister is always speaking ill of you. I’m not happy.” Ben answered angrily. Theresa smiled, and kissed Ben on the face. “Dear, mom can’t take you now. When Cristina comes back, she will come to

pick you up.” Although she wanted to take them home now, she really had no position. In the eyes of Leticia and Rose.

Cristina was the mother of the kids. If she took them away, they were gonna get it back. Maybe they would think she was

Although they were her children, and it was nothing,

and Ben would not be hidden then. And everything she had been hiding these

“Why?” Ben didn’t understand,

“Just trust mom, okay?”

at Theresa and asked, “So are you

at the moment. She sent a message saying that

They would also feel safe with her. Hearing that Theresa would stay with them here, the two children were immediately happy. They didn’t want to go


to the two children, Rose’s voice came. Theresa looked over and saw Leticia and Rose walk from the front yard. The front yard

connected, but there was a detour. The kids ran about,

She hurried over and pulled Leonard and Ben away from Theresa. Rose

while, and you have had an idea about the kids. You’re also

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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