Marry Ex's Uncle After Divorcement

Marry Ex’s Uncle After Divorcement By Jacqueline Chapter 139

Chapter 139

Theresa said, “Sit down for a while and Mommy will ask your teacher.”

“Yeah.” Despite Theresa saying that, Ben wasn’t happy.

Theresa looked at her son’s stupid look, touched his head gently, and said, ” Ben, maybe many things in this

world are not all smooth sailing, but no matter what happens, Mommy hopes you can be strong, don’t be

because of Give up hope with such a little setback, understand?”

Ben grumbled, “Yeah.”

Theresa coaxed them and went to the kitchen to cook. By the way, I sent a message to the kindergarten teacher

and asked about what happened today.

After a while, the teacher returned to her, a little embarrassed, and said: “I’m sorry, this matter was not

decided by me, but by the organizer. They called today and asked Leonard and Ben by name, and we didn’t

either. Method.”

“And this kind of thing?” Theresa frowned. “Who is the organizer of the event?”

software recently. Their company

are also innocent in this matter, but I really can’t help it.

she can do

frowned, checked Sky Music on the Internet, and found that the company of Sky

isn’t that the company Jimmy works

at this moment, seeing this, she immediately reacted,

because of the noon thing, so he is now venting his anger on the

the moment. In a children’s toy store, Rose said, “Husband, what

think of this?”

Jimmy said, “Good.”

given to Uncle Charlie ‘s two children, they would

and said, “The

“My Uncle Charlie ‘s child, how could he be out there? It’s just Cristina ‘s

Theresa can leave the house..” Hearing Rose’s words, Jimmy took the initiative to pick two Lego pieces for the child, “Give this one! I

likes it very much. Boys should like

has not returned yet, it is always necessary

Rose said: “Okay.”

‘s cell phone rang. He turned it on,

said to Rose, “You pick it up first, and I’ll go take a

Rose said, “Go ahead.”

goes outside and

him, was

spoiled by her father, an eldest lady who doesn’t know

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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