Marry Ex's Uncle After Divorcement

Marry Ex’s Uncle After Divorcement By Jacqueline Chapter 141

Chapter 141

She said, “I asked Charlie to take the baby back, but he never agreed. Theresa, you’re playing with him behind.

your back, right?”

“I didn’t!” Theresa said, “Madam, you have wronged me!”

last time Mrs. Calsis said that Theresa wasn’t worthy to be called her mother, Theresa changed her tune.

At this moment, Mrs. Calsis sneered when he heard Theresa’s words, “Did you know that my grandson was

bullied outside? Just because you never agreed, did you let your grandson suffer outside?”

“Bullying?” Charlie asked, “How to bully?”

Mrs. Calsis said: “How to bully? They have been preparing for a competition before. I heard their teacher say

that it was the event sponsored by Sky Music. As a result…now the teacher won’t let them go! The whole class

They are all training, but my grandson can’t do it? I don’t know who is behind the stumbling block.” At the end, she glanced at Theresa deliberately, as if Theresa had done it.

She didn’t go to see Leonard and Ben today, so she watched Ben when she started the broadcast. Mrs. Calsis.

heard Ben say this during the live

even suspected that Theresa was behind

Theresa: “..”

She is so wronged!

that a child has a stepmother and a stepfather, and

you, if my two grandchildren are wronged,

Chan, when he’s at home, he never makes

Charlie’s second brother, because he rarely comes

he will be remembered.

said with a headache, “Understood, I

back, it is naturally impossible for

deal with it for me,

he snorted, stood up,

at Theresa, and took her hand.

Where have you

home to see

take to see a baby? I

because of what Jimmy

training Charlie here for a

feel more

noble man in front of her, and knew that as the person in charge

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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