Chapter 81 Lucy and Jacob’s Common Interest

Damien smiled to himself, savoring his small victory. He called out to his housekeeper, “Send the voice message to Randall. Tell him I’m here to collect the debt that he owes me.”

Damien sighed as he rubbed his temples.

Cherise and Jacob did not apologize to Cressa till the end. However, the police did. nothing to them because they knew what had happened – after all, the red welt on Jacob’s face said everything.

After he had settled all that he needed to do, Jacob and Cherise left the police station.

As they were exiting the doors, a young woman dashed past them.

“Are you alright, Cherry?”

“I’m fine,” Cherise smiled at Lucy before tilting her head towards Jacob, adding, “he’s not too well, though.”

Lucy turned around to observe Jacob and the handprint on his face.

“Hi, I don’t believe we had the opportunity to meet yet. You are…?”

“This is my husband’s physician, Dr. Caldwell.”

“This is my close friend, Lucy. Lucy Staber.”

Jacob frowned. “Are you the ‘friend’ who prescribed the ‘special medication for men’ to Damien?”

her guard go up. “Oh! Oh yes. That

the car park. “I guess we can say that

turned towards the doctor, puzzled. “What do you

the car door dramatically before turning to Lucy with

a common interest – we’re both extremely concerned

turned his attention towards

and Damien doing


causing her to blush furiously. “Hey! I… That’s a

did her ferocity go? She was going to beat up Cressa just now, but now, she’s blushing like a teenage girl thinking about her

even when Cressa insulted

Excellence, your ride has arrived. We will need to transport you

glowered at him. “I would get in, but you had to make it awkward

did I ask you

she stared at

and beckoned Cherise to get into the car. “What are you afraid of, Cherry? You can always complain to your

blooming on his face like fire in a dry forest.


Jacob dropped Lucy home, he sped towards the

screen in front of a

to buy some fish,” the young

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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