Chapter 299 Common Aim

Her aim had always been Damien.

A person called ‘S’ instructed her not to hurt Cherise but to separate her from Damien.

Mandy laughed bitterly. It was a difficult task.

“Isn’t it better that he doesn’t go?”

Jessie pursed her lips. “If he joins the trip, I won’t have a chance to do anything.

Then, she patted Mandy’s shoulder and comforted her. “Aren’t you gloomy lately? You should take it as a trip to relax.”

“Furthermore, you don’t know much about Cherise. Since you want to snatch Damien from her,

should know your enemy thoroughly to make the best plans.


Mandy frowned and pondered on Jessie’s words. They seemed to make sense.

After all, the trip would take three days and two nights.

That meant she could avoid seeing that hideous person for three days.

She reopened her eyes and answered, “Sure.”

us for the trip now.”

out of the

meet with her friend from the photography

she went to a deserted corner along the corridor and took out her phone. “Ms. Fuoco,

woman on the phone chuckled, “Very well.”

task successfully, I’ll

“Ms. Fuoco.”

frowned. “Please don’t misunderstand. I agreed to help you not because of

myself after Cherise

laughed. “Let’s work hard to fulfill our common aim.”

was excited and full of confidence. “Don’t worry, Ms.



sneered after

that Mandy could witness how Jessie got rid of her

would not only have avenged her grudge. She would also earn a reward from Ms. Fuoco and make

fault. You can only blame it on

A noise sounded

jumped in

window. She was taking a photo of

position was right within

can you move a few steps. backward? You’re

Jessie was fuming.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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