Chapter 339 Why Are You Always So Happy?

The girl giggled uncontrollably.

When Gwenn, Kareen, and Zachary entered the dining room, they were greeted by Cherise’s radiant and beaming face, shining as brightly as the sun.

Kareen scoffed coldly. “The mentally ill are always cheerful.”

Gwenn rolled her eyes. “She looks foolish even when she smiles. I really don’t understand what Damien see’s in her.”

Zachary approached with a wide smile. “Bunny, why are you always so happy?”

His gaze then fell upon Cherise’s fair feet, adorned with pink rabbit slippers. “It seems like you really have a fondness for bunnies.”

Cherise pursed her lips and responded politely. “Mm.”

In reality, she didn’t actually like rabbits.

It was Damien who liked rabbits.

compared her to

Zachary was calling her a bunny too.

on her darkened cell

really resemble a

they have a powerful benefactor.” Behind Zachary, Kareen noticed the slippers on Cherise’s feet

girl scoffed coldly and deliberately spoke loudly. “Mr. Tanner kindly expressed his affection for a

much that he

all the seats in the dining room, except for Beckham



over, glanced at Cherise’s feet, and immediately understood.

I have never worn slippers in the dining room in

being too casual?”

Tanner Residence her own home? Is that why she is behaving rudely and

at Cherise, they were no longer indirectly criticizing her. They

put away her cell phone. “Did the two of

angry early in the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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