Chapter 314 Mandy, My Younger Sister?

Damien had always held his sister in the highest regard and had a deep respect for her; she was the closest family member he had.

But how Mandy had described Danielle made her seem like a completely different. person- a devil.

“Honey,” she murmured softly, wrapping her arms around his waist and exhaling deeply. “I feel like a fool.”

“I’m not sure how to console you or make things better,” she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper.

“Will you blame me?” Her words were as delicate as a whisper.

Moments later, her hand was gently enveloped by his larger one, and his deep voice broke the silence. “Cherry.”

The warmth of his hand in hers comforted Cherise, warming her heart. She bit her lip and replied, “I’m here.”

“You know, I have my fears as well,” he confessed in the darkness.

confessed in the darkness, “I’m scared that Mandy might

his hand, offering silent understanding.

what she

can be

ago still haunted

Damien had always chosen to remember the positive aspects

he could still recall Danielle’s words as she held his hand, saying, “You know, the responsibility for

if you’re not tough, you’ll find yourself at the mercy of

were too kind, which led to their tragic end.



beamed a bitter

Danielle had

bunch of schemes that gradually tangled the Lenoir family

in a mess.

warmth and light coaxed. open the heart that the world

old grudges isn’t easy. But

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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