Chapter 351 Dessert

“After all, I have many ways to help you burn off the calories from the ice cream tonight.”

The girl was licking her ice cream but suddenly stopped.


Do I detect a hint of danger… in his voice…

A sense of foreboding arose in her heart. Alarm bells immediately rang in her mind.

She looked up at Damien with her guard up. “Can I… put the ice cream in the cooler


The man glanced at her nearly finished ice cream. The corners of his lips curled into at cold smile. “What do you think?”

Cherise was speechless.

The man took off his white shirt, revealing his toned eight-pack abs.

Cherise looked up and quickly finished the remainder of her ice cream, giving him a pitiful look. “Honey, I’m exhausted today.”

during the day, and I had

“May I…”

the wall. “But you’ve already had two servings of ice cream.”

I haven’t

scoops of ice cream. I also feel like having dessert.”

she felt weak. Afterward, he charmed her and

have one

You never stop at one. You

You’re right. However, you’re still going to be devoured.”

warm sunlight streamed


opened her eyes. Her entire body felt

on her cell phone. Oh my god.

out of bed,

until late into the night

reminded him that they weren’t at home. They were at the Tanner Residence, but he refused to listen. He

sore body and quickly freshened up before slowly opening the bedroom

is awake!”

soon as she stepped out of the bedroom, she heard


couch in their guest room, casually eating chips while watching sitcoms.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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