Chapter 47

The person from the HR department looked at Brielle with a polite expression on their


In this delicate time, she might have been hand-picked by the CEO. Those with any sense knew better than to cross her.

“Ms. Haywood, your requests have been forwarded to the finance department, and the decorators should be here shortly to discuss with you. As for the vacant manager position, feel free to recommend someone if you have a suitable candidate in mind.”

with her

As she walked out of the office, Brielle’s gaze settled on a girl tucked away in the corner. The girl looked very thin, her hair messy, and she didn’t talk much. “Let’s go I think her name is Emily Hatfield.”

The girl named Emily looked up, meeting Brielle’s eyes. A flicker of panic crossed her face before she averted her gaze.

Did Brielle recognize

The thick, black frames on her nose made her even less conspicuous-if that was possible in the sea

office workers.

head and sent a text message. [I think

phone buzzed almost immediately with a new message. [Emily, maybe just drop it. She hasn’t really bullied me that much. You don’t have to go out of your way to Dorsey International. The Haywood family has been good

twisted in disapproval as she watched Brielle, her eyes filled with revulsion that

recalling the files she had seen which featured

all of

might not be appearance, but she had a quiet disposition

Someone who could earnestly g done would suffice. However, the thought of promoting Emily to a managerial posit after only a month at the company gave her pause. The


leave the position open for now. If someone shows exceptional performance in upcoming projects, I’ll

HR staff nodded in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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