Chapter 52

“Got the jitters?”

Max’s voice came through the phone with a chill that was like an invisible hand, steadying a racing heart

“Nah, I just know he’s joking.”

Max’s eyebrow arched, his lips curling into a slight smirk, “Andrew never jokes”

Brielle’s breathing hitched a bit as she felt Kenzo’s gaze turn more meaningful. She just wanted to end the call as soon as possible “Uncle Max, you needed me for something?”

“Yeah, get ready. You’re joining me on a business trip tonight.”

Brielle thought she’d misheard, but when it came to work, she straightened up, all business. “What time tonight?”

“Flight’s at ten. Patrick will pick you up.

phone back to Andrew with a thanks and then turned

years ago. I

“Kenzo, I never got to thank you for that

gaze deepened, his smile fading a little,

added him, exchanged a few polite

Kenzo put his

“Little Canary?”

gentle smile was gone, replaced

his lighter open and lit a cigarette with practiced ease, “What, scouting info for


special. Max will keep her close

a spark of interest

reason, Brielle was now a threat to Alivia’s future.

Chapter 52

It would affect her upcoming hunting. She made a quick excuse and slipped into the dance floor, eyes peeled for her target: a

apartment, clueless about where the business trip would take

packed a couple of outfits and, after a moment’s thought, applied a touch of makeup. Then she grabbed all the documents she could carry, and by seven, Patrick’s car pulled up

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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