Despite the gut feeling brewing within me, I swallowed down my bile and got ready for school.

School was the last place I wanted to be, but somehow I knew I’d never escape if Garrett whisked me away to his ‘pack’.

It was only one day. One day and I could run to work to grab my check, leaving this town behind only a few hours after.

I texted Tori that night, letting her know to pick me up for school. She was practically ecstatic that I was coming back, making me feel even more guilty.

Thalia questioned my every move, using every moment she could to plant doubt in my mind.

‘What if Garret’s telling the truth?’ She huffed, frustrated after spending an hour arguing with me to no avail.

‘He’s not.’ I shook my head, ‘I’m not buying it–It’s just not real.’

‘You know deep down, Aurora.’ Thalia sighed, ‘You’ve always known there’s been a piece of you missing. This is that piece. This is why you’re so strong. You were born to rule.’

born.’ I rolled my eyes, ignoring Thalia’s words.

to believe I was destined for something great, but that would mean living with the people who had never wanted me in the first place. Was it

them in my backpack in frustration. I had no idea why I even bothered with the homework. By the end of

night refining my plan,

left during the night. I’d keep my face from any camera’s and

smart enough to remove most of my money from my debit card, keeping it tightly locked in a box under my new

flight as far away as possible. All I

around much

the twin’s. I couldn’t explain why, but I wasn’t. The prospect that this was my last

I owned, something I had only worn in public once or twice. It was simply too flashy

ending in waves against my thighs. The dress was a light shade of blue with short sleeves. I had always loved this dress, but hated the attention it brought. It

sneakers and flung my book bag over my shoulder. I had waited until last minute to

thankful Lucy was nowhere in sight. I rifled through one of the many cabinets, wrapping my hand around a plain bagel. I stuffed a piece into my mouth and bounded out the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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