Mia was taken aback when she read the message about the divorce.

After all, everything had seemed fine just before.

Ina flurry of worry, Mia immediately dialed Jasmine's number.

" What exactly is going on?" she asked.

"Just a few days ago, there was this huge scandal about my father having an illegitimate daughter.

When he found out, he immediately accused me of being the one who leaked it.

"T tried to explain, but he wouldn't even listen.

He ended up slapping me.

And to make matters worse, my mom walked in on the whole scene." There was a palpable weight in Jasmine's words, as if she were grappling with a profound loss.

1 She continued, “After that, my mom couldn't take it anymore.

She confronted my dad and decided to divorce him.

"So now, my mom and IJ are staying with my grandparents.

And to add insult to injury, my dad has brought Luna and that little brat back home." Jasmine's words were accompanied by eyes filled with desolation, speaking volumes in their silent despair.

Indeed, Raymond's transformation had blindsided her completely.

their mothers' struggles, while men

too, found herself caught off guard by

What's your plan now?" she

will soon throw a welcome party for Asher at the Aide

something special planned for them on

"Don't worry, I won't push

taken over the company yet, I still

Luna won't be a

think your mother will go along with this plan?" "My mother

adamant about not allowing Luna and that little brat

mother earned every penny through her hard work, so why should these leeches receive a share? I

"Got it.

you updated on

Jazzy, there are certain matters where I

the owner of the manor,"

"T understand.

your intervention, but I also won't pursue any

you assist me in brainstorming a

"That's doable," Mia replied.

suggested theme, Mia couldn't

seemed the situation had taken a

the call, Mia turned to Peyton and instructed, "Begin investigating recent activities on

heard rumors about the Prime Minister's daughter

out what's happening." Mia couldn't shake the feeling that the residents of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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